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Topic: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated) (Read 571 times) |
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D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Thread started on: Dec 28th, 2016, 9:39pm » |
Even if the original D3D might be supposedly obsolete, it still works in windows 10.. So whats the issue? I have no idea. But if it really is going to be wiped off windows, then when? Where is the article?
UPDATE: I looked.. It hasn't been removed and it looks like it wont be. What is said is that they recommend using D3D11 for windows 8 and 10.. The original D3D which is part of the Direct3D API list is still there, just its not the focus of the forums in MSDN.
UPDATE: I figured out how the verticies work !!!! WOOO HOOO!!! Isn't this exciting ? New Years 3D!!! By the way the demo is at the base of this post..
This snippet helps you understand making a triangle in the 3D world and saving it to a file. Code:
DEF PROCcreate3d
PROC4(3):REM 3 vertices
PROC4(&100042):REM vertex size &10 and format &42
REM LL x LL y LL z
REM LR x LR y LR z
I am not stopping until I get the mechanics of this worked out!! This is all I will do until it is solved !!
So far, I have gotten this much to work. OPTION A GOALS: create a program that allows you to do text edit of the verticies, update the 3D file and update the screen with the 3D image. There is no point in reinventing the 3D world... Lets work together to solve the barriers that make D3D complex.
A construct should be able to be understood for what space it occupies and the memory area that it uses.
If you look carefully, there is lots of REM statements explaining how I figured out how this works.
So it creates a triangle... (snippet from lesson) I spliced that into the pyramid code and it just works. I then studied the way the image is manipulated and added a texture ( doesn't give the image I made).
Perhaps because of lack of light
The yaw, roll, pitch, and coordinate system has been figured out..(REM STATEMENTS) So now a person has COMPLETE control of the triangle..
If I can completely understand how that triangle is created with the information, then I can focus on making a utility for everyone to make objects easily
Help would be appreciated. Thankyou I provide this solution for now. I will need help understanding the way the 3 verticies are made.. (in detail) I have tested this, and the controls work well (when applied to variables. right now I put them all at 0).
There is always option B.. relearn the wheel of 3D? VIDEO?
I am hoping we can find a solution to option A
Code: INSTALL @lib$+"D3DLIB"
DIM l%(0), b%(1), n%(1), f%(1), s%(1), m%(1), t%(1), y(1), p(1), r(1), X(1), Y(1), Z(1), e(2), a(2)
d% = FN_initd3d(@hwnd%, 1, 0)
IF d% = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't initialise Direct3D"
b%(0) = FN_load3d(d%, @dir$+"TRIANGLE.B3D", n%(0), f%(0), s%(0))
IF b%(0) = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't load TRIANGLE.B3D"
REM t%(0) = FN_loadtexture(d%, @dir$+"BLUE.BMP")
REM IF t%(0) = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't load face.JPG"
e() = 0, 0, -6
a() = 0, 0, 0
y() = 0:REM yaw (rotations around the Y axis)
REM pitch
p() = 0:REM TIME/100 (pitch angles rotations around the X axis)
REM roll
r() = 0:REM TIME/40 (roll angles (rotations around the Z axis)
REM X (right left)
X() = 0:REM SIN(TIME/200)
REM Y() up and down
Y() = 0
REM Z() depth
Z() = 10 :REM
REM PROC_render(d%, &FF7F7F7F, 0, l%(), 2, m%(), t%(), b%(), n%(), f%(), s%(), y(), p(), r(), X(), Y(), Z(), e(), a(), PI/4, 5/4, 1, 1000)
PROC_render(d%, &FF7F7F7F, 0, l%(), 2, m%(), t%(), b%(), n%(), f%(), s%(), y(), p(), r(), X(), Y(), Z(), e(), a(), PI/4, 5/4, 1, 1000) :REM experimental
REM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 yaw pitch roll X Y Z eye0123 18 19 20 ^mcd ^( cam to farplane dist)
REM 1 Val returned from FN_init3D
REM 2 back color 3 #of lights 4 light pointers
REM mcd - minimum near cam distance
DEF PROCcleanup
t%(1) += 0:IF t%(1) PROC_release(t%(1))
b%(0) += 0:IF b%(0) PROC_release(b%(0))
b%(1) += 0:IF b%(1) PROC_release(b%(1))
d% += 0 :IF d% PROC_release(d%)
DEF PROCcreate3d
PROC4(3):REM 3 vertices
PROC4(&100042):REM vertex size &10 and format &42
« Last Edit: Dec 30th, 2016, 11:05pm by michael » |
I like making program generators and like reinventing the wheel
Re: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Reply #1 on: Dec 30th, 2016, 4:38pm » |
There are some interesting discussions on this forum about Directx8 being obsoleted and whether libraries should be updated to Directx9 at least. Perhaps you should do a search or two on the archives. You will find that the topic cause several people to get a little disillusioned.
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Re: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Reply #2 on: Dec 30th, 2016, 5:18pm » |
For what it's worth, I've done a bit of work on D3D8, and the library certainly forms a very nice starting point for more sophisticated playing.
D3D9 is pretty similar, and Richard made an adapted library and a bunch of headers etc which make it easier to work out the functions and use them.
There was a lot of talk about moving towards D3D11, but it's rather different to use. Again Richard did quite a bit of work towards making this usable. My personal investment in 8/9 makes me rather reluctant to go down that route, mainly because I am lazy, but partly because it is quite complex (as well as powerful).
I'll dig out some bits and post them - at one stage (when I was working on the proto-flight sim discussed in these pages about 18 months ago) I got to the stage of being able to handle vertices with normals, textures, partial transparency, and mixing directional and ambient lighting, as well as rendering multiple buffers in a single scene., which might be useful to people.
One issue may be where files are/can be posted. Both the Wiggio and Yahoo repositories don't appear to be working at present.
Best wishes,
Re: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Reply #3 on: Dec 30th, 2016, 6:03pm » |
Quote:One issue may be where files are/can be posted. Both the Wiggio and Yahoo repositories don't appear to be working at present. |
I note that the old, old, Yahoo group is still there. You can't post messages as the admin requires approval and has long gone AWOL, but it says that joining does not require approval. The file section is open and has stuff from 10 years ago! It can only take 100 Meg of files but is there and free, so that might work.
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Re: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Reply #4 on: Dec 30th, 2016, 6:09pm » |
Why would they abandon it? In a current Windows 10 install, which is all I have (no older windows involved) , this works just fine.. And Richard mentioned to me that there was no plans by Microsoft to move past windows 10 and that it only would be improved on the existing platform.
Of course, that doesn't mean that tech might affect the existence of windows. ( I am just being realistic)
I need to know everything. But I need all the steps explained and once I know I can make a image generator that updates the screen. I think I also figured out the 2D interface that a mouse controlled image would interact with in the 3D world
I like making program generators and like reinventing the wheel
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Re: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Reply #5 on: Dec 30th, 2016, 6:14pm » |
Why not do this here? Lets do it!! Zaphod and DDRM and me and maybe others.. Lets just do it like I have above and expand on it in stages..
Imagine if we did that here. It would make this forum unique.
We can do it!!
« Last Edit: Dec 30th, 2016, 6:16pm by michael » |
I like making program generators and like reinventing the wheel
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Re: D3D lets figure it out ?(updated)
« Reply #6 on: Dec 30th, 2016, 7:21pm » |
Here is a REMed copy of the verticies in Direct X 11 . It seems that it is fairly easy to manipulate. Although, the overall code is considerably more complex. But only if you look at the entire program, as much of it is world setup.
I really think we need to focus hard on D3D 11 and get all the parts figured out, because its time to do so. UPDATE:
( ok, after experimenting, this looks like this is just the construct of the triangle. It doesn't affect its location.. ) Code: DIM vertices{(2)} = SimpleVertex{}
vertices{(0)}.x% = 0 :REM ? what? (is this a mistake?)
vertices{(0)}.y% = FN_f4(0.5) :REM peak up down
vertices{(0)}.z% = FN_f4(0.5) :REM z axis (close)
vertices{(1)}.x% = FN_f4(0.5) :REM LR corner x
vertices{(1)}.y% = FN_f4(-0.5) :REM LR corner y (up/down)
vertices{(1)}.z% = FN_f4(0.5) :REM LR depth z
vertices{(2)}.x% = FN_f4(-0.5) :REM LL corner x
vertices{(2)}.y% = FN_f4(-0.5) :REM LL corner y (up/down)
vertices{(2)}.z% = FN_f4(0.5) :REM LL corner z depth
If you look carefully you will see SimpleVertex{} being allocated bellow into another array?
And the verticies array is also being factored in this ..vertices{()} Code: DIM bd{} = D3D11_BUFFER_DESC{}
bd.Usage% = D3D11_USAGE_DEFAULT
bd.ByteWidth% = DIM(SimpleVertex{}) * (DIM(vertices{()},1)+1)
bd.BindFlags% = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER
bd.CPUAccessFlags% = 0
InitData.pSysMem% = vertices{(0)}
SYS ID3D11Device.CreateBuffer%, pd3dDevice%, bd{}, InitData{}, ^pVertexBuffer% TO hr%
IF hr% <> 0 OR pVertexBuffer% = 0 ERROR 100, "ID3D11Device::CreateBuffer failed: "+STR$~hr%
« Last Edit: Dec 30th, 2016, 9:51pm by michael » |
I like making program generators and like reinventing the wheel