BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> Installing

Post by Sparky on Nov 10th, 2015, 2:38pm

I am a new user. I downloaded, installed and entered key for full version. I can open an example and compile and then run the new EXE. However if I open a new, and type [Print "hello world"], save and run I get an error screen that says "Mistake".

Tried running as ADMIN, same issue.

I tried opening example and adding the same line and then run and I get the "Mistake"

Not sure what is going on, any ideas? Thanks.
Re: Installing
Post by Sparky on Nov 10th, 2015, 2:40pm

I am running on Win8.
Re: Installing
Post by David Williams on Nov 10th, 2015, 2:48pm

Keywords in 'BBC BASIC for Windows' are normally uppercase (unless you have selected the 'Lowercase Keywords' option in the IDE) , and case-sensitive. Try the following:

PRINT "Hello" 

EDIT: Furthermore, since the vast majority of BBC BASIC programs are written with uppercase keywords (as has pretty much always been the case with this dialect of BASIC), I would leave it in 'uppercase mode' if I were you. There is only one BB4W user that I'm aware of that releases his BB4W source code featuring lowercase keywords (although there may be others, of course).

Re: Installing
Post by Sparky on Nov 10th, 2015, 3:01pm

Thank you David, that was too easy! smiley
Re: Installing
Post by number6 on Nov 10th, 2015, 3:01pm

Hi Sparky

Your line Print "hello world" also gives "Mistake" on my machine. As i did not have "Lower Case Keywords" enabled i then enabled it in the "OPTIONS" menu. However, even when enabled the "hello world" gave me the same "Mistake" error unless i re-typed the word 'print' and then it ran as expected.
