BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Sound, Music and Video >> Metronome 'click track' videos created with BB4W

Metronome 'click track' videos created with BB4W
Post by David Williams on Jan 3rd, 2015, 6:12pm

I still use BB4W occasionally, and recently I decided to make some 'click tracks' for uploading to my YouTube channel. The video frames and audio track (a 16-bit, 44.1KHz WAV file) were generated with a program written in BB4W. Admittedly, the process isn't as fast and automatic as it could be, otherwise I would have released the program in case others wanted to have a play.

Having written the program, and made those videos, I'll probably now just use the metronome app ("Metronome Beats") I recently downloaded for my Android phone!

Re: Metronome 'click track' videos created with BB
Post by rtr2 on Jan 3rd, 2015, 7:41pm

on Jan 3rd, 2015, 6:12pm, David Williams wrote:
Admittedly, the process isn't as fast and automatic as it could be, otherwise I would have released the program in case others wanted to have a play.

Show us the code please, or if you don't want to release the source at least link to the executable.


Re: Metronome 'click track' videos created with BB
Post by David Williams on Jan 4th, 2015, 12:56am

on Jan 3rd, 2015, 7:41pm, g4bau wrote:
Show us the code please, or if you don't want to release the source at least link to the executable.

The source is in too poor a state to be released publicly, and an executable isn't likely in the program's current user-unfriendly form. A total rewrite is in order, I'd say.

As an aside, one issue with those 'click track' videos of mine is that they rather presume a 4/4 time signature (4 beats per bar), which is extremely common.


Re: Metronome 'click track' videos created with BB
Post by David Williams on Jan 6th, 2015, 1:39pm

Not the source code for the metronome videos, but since I had a few spare minutes today, here's an alternative version. Change the tempo (in BPM) by modifying Tempo% (range 60 to 180).

      REM Metronome
      REM Version 1.0 // 6-Jan-2015
      REM May not be not accurate (irregular intervals between beats)

      *ESC OFF
      ON ERROR PROCError(REPORT$ + " at line " + STR$ERL)

      Tempo% = 90 : REM BPM (Beats Per Minute)

      ScrW% = 480
      ScrH% = 512
      VDU 23,22,ScrW%;ScrH%;8,16,16,0 : OFF

      GetTickCount% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("GetTickCount")
      Sleep% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("Sleep")
      PlaySound% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("PlaySound")
      SetWindowText% = FNSYS_NameToAddress("SetWindowText")

      READ wavSz%, nLines%
      DIM wav% wavSz%-1
      O% = 0
      FOR I% = 0 TO nLines%-1
        READ s$
        FOR J% = 0 TO (LEN(s$) DIV 2)-1
          wav%?O% = EVAL("&" + MID$(s$, 1+2*J%, 2))
          O% += 1
        NEXT J%
      NEXT I%

      COLOUR 9, 80, 0, 0
      COLOUR 10, 240, 240, 200
      COLOUR 11, 240, 240, 100

      MinTempo% = 60
      MaxTempo% = 180
      IF Tempo% < MinTempo% THEN Tempo% = MinTempo%
      IF Tempo% > MaxTempo% THEN Tempo% = MaxTempo%
      PendulumLength% = 300
      PendulumX0% = ScrW%/2
      PendulumY0% = ScrH%/4
      BobDist = 0.1 + 0.8*(1.0 - (Tempo% - MinTempo%)/(MaxTempo% - MinTempo%))
      MetronomeHeight% = 400

      bpms = Tempo% / (60 * 1000) : REM Beats per millisecond
      sgn% = 1 : REM Direction sign of pendulum

      clicks% = 0
      bar% = 1
      beat% = 0

      updateWindowText% = TRUE

      SYS "timeBeginPeriod", 1
      SYS "GetCurrentProcess" TO hprocess%
      SYS "SetPriorityClass", hprocess%, &80

      SYS "GetTickCount" TO time0%
        IF updateWindowText% THEN
          SYS SetWindowText%, @hwnd%, "Tempo: " + STR$Tempo% + " BPM  |  " + \
          \ "4/4 Bar: " + STR$bar% + "  |  Clicks: " + STR$clicks%
          updateWindowText% = FALSE
        SYS GetTickCount% TO time1%
        T% = time1% - time0%
        angle% = 45 * COS(PI*T% * bpms)
        IF (angle% < 0 AND sgn% = 1) OR (angle% >= 0 AND sgn% = -1) THEN
          sgn% *= -1
          SYS PlaySound%, wav%, 0, 5
          clicks% += 1
          beat% += 1
          IF beat% > 4 THEN
            beat% = 1
            bar% += 1
          updateWindowText% = TRUE
        pendX% = PendulumX0% + PendulumLength%*SINRAD(angle%)
        pendY% = PendulumY0% + PendulumLength%*COSRAD(angle%)
        bobX% = PendulumX0% + BobDist*PendulumLength%*SINRAD(angle%)
        bobY% = PendulumY0% + BobDist*PendulumLength%*COSRAD(angle%)
        GCOL 0 : LINE 2*PendulumX0%, 2*PendulumY0%, 2*pendX%, 2*pendY%
        GCOL 10 : LINE 2*PendulumX0%, 2*PendulumY0%, 2*pendX%, 2*pendY%
        GCOL 0 : CIRCLE FILL 2*bobX%, 2*bobY%, 36
        GCOL 11 : CIRCLE FILL 2*bobX%, 2*bobY%, 32
        GCOL 9
        MOVE 216, 120
        MOVE 744, 120
        PLOT 85, 252, 258
        PLOT 85, 706, 258
        CIRCLE FILL 2*PendulumX0%, 2*PendulumY0%, 32
        SYS Sleep%, 1

      DEF PROCDrawMetronomeBody
      GCOL 1
      MOVE 192, 96
      MOVE 480, 96
      PLOT 85, 416, 896
      PLOT 85, 480, 896
      MOVE 768, 96
      MOVE 480, 96
      PLOT 85, 544, 896
      PLOT 85, 480, 896
      MOVE 416, 896
      MOVE 544, 896
      PLOT 85, 480, 928
      RECTANGLE FILL 2*110, 2*43,2*16, 2*4
      RECTANGLE FILL 2*356, 2*43,2*16, 2*4
      GCOL 0
      LINE 480, 192, 480, 896

      DEF FNSYS_NameToAddress(f$)
      LOCALP%:DIMP%LOCAL5:[OPT 0:call f$:]:=P%!-4+P%

      DEF PROCFixWndSz
      LOCAL W%
      SYS"GetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16 TO W%
      SYS"SetWindowLong",@hwnd%,-16,W% ANDNOT&40000 ANDNOT&10000

      DEF PROCError(s$)
      LOCAL H%
      SYS "GetCurrentProcess" TO H%
      SYS "SetPriorityClass", H%, &20
      CLS : ON : VDU 7
      PRINT '" " + s$;

      DEF PROCClose
      LOCAL H%
      SYS "GetCurrentProcess" TO H%
      SYS "SetPriorityClass", H%, &20

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