PROChugewindow(5120, 2880) PRINT "Hello" END DEF PROChugewindow(x%, y%) : LOCAL bmih{}, bits%, hbm%, oldbm% DIM bmih{Size%, Width%, Height%, Planes{l&,h&}, BitCount{l&,h&}, \ \ Compression%, SizeImage%, XPelsPerMeter%, YPelsPerMeter%, \ \ ClrUsed%, ClrImportant%} bmih.Size% = DIM(bmih{}) bmih.Width% = x% bmih.Height% = y% bmih.Planes.l& = 1 bmih.BitCount.l& = 24 SYS "CreateDIBSection", @memhdc%, bmih{}, 0, ^bits%, 0, 0 TO hbm% IF hbm% = 0 ERROR 100, "Couldn't create DIBSection" SYS "SelectObject", @memhdc%, hbm% TO oldbm% SYS "DeleteObject", oldbm% SYS "SetWindowPos", @hwnd%, 0, 0, 0, x%, y%, 6 @vdu%!208 = x% @vdu%!212 = y% VDU 24,0;0;x%*2-2;y%*2-2; CLG ENDPROC