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 thread  Author  Topic: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC  (Read 495 times)
David Williams

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xx Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Thread started on: May 23rd, 2016, 9:37pm »

Here's a fast RGB linear interpolation in BASIC (one line):


Where A% is RGB colour 1 (&RRGGBB) and B% is RGB colour 2 (&rrggbb), and F% is the interpolation value in the range 0 to 256. In the case of F% = 0, colour 1 is returned; in the case of F% = 256, colour 2 is returned.

Here's a quick example:

      MODE 8 : OFF

      WinW% = 2 * @vdu%!208
      WinH% = 2 * @vdu%!212

      col1% = &2040AA
      col2% = &FFA0A0

      GCOL 1

      FOR Y% = 0 TO WinH%-1
        f% = 256 * Y%/(WinH%-1)
        c% = FN_LerpRGB( col1%, col2%, f% )
        COLOUR 1, (c% AND &FF0000)>>16, (c% AND &FF00)>>8, c% AND &FF
        LINE 0, Y%, WinW%, Y%
      NEXT Y%


There are several possible useful variations of this function.

Sanity checks on F% (ensuring it's within the range 0 to 256) wouldn't be a bad idea.

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David Williams

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #1 on: May 24th, 2016, 1:37pm »

If speed's important, then the following (suboptimal!) assembly language implementation is more than twice as fast as the BASIC equivalent (when called using SYS).

      MODE 10 : OFF

      WinW% = @vdu%!208
      WinH% = @vdu%!212

      lerp% = FNasm

      FOR I% = 1 TO 100
        W% = 64 + RND(300)
        H% = 64 + RND(200)
        X% = RND(WinW% - W%)
        Y% = RND(WinH% - H%)
        col1% = RND(&FFFFFF)
        col2% = RND(&FFFFFF)
        GCOL 1
        FOR J% = 0 TO H%-1
          F% = 256 * (J%/H%)
          SYS lerp%, col1%, col2%, F% TO rgb%
          COLOUR 1, rgb% AND &FF, (rgb% AND &FF00)>>8, (rgb% AND &FF0000)>>16
          LINE 2*X%, 2*(Y%+J%), 2*(X%+W%), 2*(Y%+J%)
        NEXT J%
      NEXT I%

      DEF FNasm
      LOCAL C%, I%, P%, J%, K%
      DIM C% 109
      FOR I% = 0 TO 2 STEP 2
        P% = C%
        [OPT I%
        ; [ESP+4]  --> &xxB1G1R1
        ; [ESP+8]  --> &xxB2G2B2
        ; [ESP+12] --> f (interpolation factor in range 0 to 256)
        mov esi, [esp + 12]         ; ESI = f
        ; clamp f to the range 0 to 256
        cmp esi, 0
        jge J%
        mov esi, 0
        cmp esi, 256
        jle K%
        mov esi, 256
        xor eax, eax                ; result will be stored in EAX
        ; handle red lerp
        movzx ebx, BYTE [esp+4 +0]  ; R1
        movzx ecx, BYTE [esp+8 +0]  ; R2
        mov edx, ebx                ; copy R1
        sub ecx, ebx                ; R2 - R1
        imul ecx, esi               ; f*(R2-R1)
        sar ecx, 8                  ; f*(R2-R1) >> 8
        add ecx, edx                ; R1 + (f*(R2-R1) >> 8)
        or eax, ecx                 ; EAX = &000000RR
        ; handle green lerp
        movzx ebx, BYTE [esp+4 +1]  ; G1
        movzx ecx, BYTE [esp+8 +1]  ; G2
        mov edx, ebx                ; copy G1
        sub ecx, ebx                ; G2 - G1
        imul ecx, esi               ; f*(G2-G1)
        sar ecx, 8                  ; f*(G2-G1) >> 8
        add ecx, edx                ; G1 + (f*(G2-G1) >> 8)
        shl ecx, 8
        or eax, ecx                 ; EAX = &0000GGRR
        ; handle blue lerp
        movzx ebx, BYTE [esp+4 +2]  ; B1
        movzx ecx, BYTE [esp+8 +2]  ; B2
        mov edx, ebx                ; copy B1
        sub ecx, ebx                ; B2 - B1
        imul ecx, esi               ; f*(B2-B1)
        sar ecx, 8                  ; f*(B2-B1) >> 8
        add ecx, edx                ; B1 + (f*(B2-B1) >> 8)
        shl ecx, 16
        or eax, ecx                 ; EAX = &00BBGGRR
        ret 12
      NEXT I%

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David Williams

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #2 on: May 24th, 2016, 3:32pm »

      MODE 10 : OFF

      WinW% = @vdu%!208
      WinH% = @vdu%!212

      lerp% = FNasm

      rectW% = 480
      rectH% = 480

      DIM p(2*rectW%-1,1), q(2*rectW%-1,1), m(1,1)

      FOR I% = 0 TO 2*rectW%-1 STEP 2
        p(I%, 0) = (I% - rectW%)
        p(I%, 1) = -rectH%
        p(I%+1, 0) = p(I%,0)
        p(I%+1, 1) = rectH%
      NEXT I%

      rgb1% = &FF8040
      rgb2% = &4080FF

      ORIGIN WinW%, WinH%
      GCOL 1


        T% = TIME
        sin = SIN(T%/100)
        cos = COS(T%/100)
        m() = cos, -sin, sin, cos
        q() = p().m()
        @vdu%!248 = 2
        FOR I% = 0 TO 2*rectW%-1 STEP 2
          SYS lerp%, rgb1%, rgb2%, 256*I%/(2*rectW%-1) TO rgb3%
          COLOUR 1, rgb3% AND &FF, (rgb3% AND &FF00) >> 8, (rgb3% AND &FF0000) >> 16
          LINE q(I%,0), q(I%,1), q(I%+1,0), q(I%+1,1)
        @vdu%!248 = 1
      DEF FNasm
      LOCAL C%, I%, P%, J%, K%
      DIM C% 109
      FOR I% = 0 TO 2 STEP 2
        P% = C%
        [OPT I%
        ; [ESP+4]  --> &xxB1G1R1
        ; [ESP+8]  --> &xxB2G2B2
        ; [ESP+12] --> f (interpolation factor in range 0 to 256)
        mov esi, [esp + 12]         ; ESI = f
        ; clamp f to the range 0 to 256
        cmp esi, 0
        jge J%
        mov esi, 0
        cmp esi, 256
        jle K%
        mov esi, 256
        xor eax, eax                ; result will be stored in EAX
        ; handle red lerp
        movzx ebx, BYTE [esp+4 +0]  ; R1
        movzx ecx, BYTE [esp+8 +0]  ; R2
        mov edx, ebx                ; copy R1
        sub ecx, ebx                ; R2 - R1
        imul ecx, esi               ; f*(R2-R1)
        sar ecx, 8                  ; f*(R2-R1) >> 8
        add ecx, edx                ; R1 + (f*(R2-R1) >> 8)
        or eax, ecx                 ; EAX = &000000RR
        ; handle green lerp
        movzx ebx, BYTE [esp+4 +1]  ; G1
        movzx ecx, BYTE [esp+8 +1]  ; G2
        mov edx, ebx                ; copy G1
        sub ecx, ebx                ; G2 - G1
        imul ecx, esi               ; f*(G2-G1)
        sar ecx, 8                  ; f*(G2-G1) >> 8
        add ecx, edx                ; G1 + (f*(G2-G1) >> 8)
        shl ecx, 8
        or eax, ecx                 ; EAX = &0000GGRR
        ; handle blue lerp
        movzx ebx, BYTE [esp+4 +2]  ; B1
        movzx ecx, BYTE [esp+8 +2]  ; B2
        mov edx, ebx                ; copy B1
        sub ecx, ebx                ; B2 - B1
        imul ecx, esi               ; f*(B2-B1)
        sar ecx, 8                  ; f*(B2-B1) >> 8
        add ecx, edx                ; B1 + (f*(B2-B1) >> 8)
        shl ecx, 16
        or eax, ecx                 ; EAX = &00BBGGRR
        ret 12
      NEXT I%

Essentially he same program but now 100% BASIC:

      MODE 10 : OFF

      WinW% = @vdu%!208
      WinH% = @vdu%!212

      rectW% = 480
      rectH% = 480

      DIM p(2*rectW%-1,1), q(2*rectW%-1,1), m(1,1)

      FOR I% = 0 TO 2*rectW%-1 STEP 2
        p(I%, 0) = (I% - rectW%)
        p(I%, 1) = -rectH%
        p(I%+1, 0) = p(I%,0)
        p(I%+1, 1) = rectH%
      NEXT I%

      rgb1% = &FF00FF
      rgb2% = &00FF00

      ORIGIN WinW%, WinH%
      GCOL 1


        T% = TIME
        sin = SIN(T%/100)
        cos = COS(T%/100)
        m() = cos, -sin, sin, cos
        q() = p().m()
        @vdu%!248 = 2
        FOR I% = 0 TO 2*rectW%-1 STEP 2
          COLOUR 1, rgb3% AND &FF, (rgb3% AND &FF00) >> 8, (rgb3% AND &FF0000) >> 16
          LINE q(I%,0), q(I%,1), q(I%+1,0), q(I%+1,1)
        @vdu%!248 = 1


« Last Edit: May 24th, 2016, 8:46pm by David Williams » User IP Logged

David Williams

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #3 on: May 25th, 2016, 06:43am »

Quadratic RGB interpolation. This is just an experiment. Individual RGB components must be prevented from going negative, hence the 'clamping'. Also, I'm not sure if the result looks any better than using a compound (two-part) linear interpolant.

      MODE 8 : OFF

      GCOL 1

        rgb1% = RND(&FFFFFF)
        rgb2% = RND(&FFFFFF)
        rgb3% = RND(&FFFFFF)
        r1& = rgb1%
        g1& = rgb1% >> 8
        b1& = rgb1% >> 16
        r2& = rgb2%
        g2& = rgb2% >> 8
        b2& = rgb2% >> 16
        r3& = rgb3%
        g3& = rgb3% >> 8
        b3& = rgb3% >> 16
        PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( 0.0, r1&, 0.5, g1&, 1.0, b1&, a1, b1, c1 )
        PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( 0.0, r2&, 0.5, g2&, 1.0, b2&, a2, b2, c2 )
        PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( 0.0, r3&, 0.5, g3&, 1.0, b3&, a3, b3, c3 )
        FOR Y% = 0 TO 511
          f = Y%/511
          r = a1*f*f + b1*f + c1
          g = a2*f*f + b2*f + c2
          b = a3*f*f + b3*f + c3
          IF r < 0 r = 0
          IF r > 255 r = 255
          IF g < 0 g = 0
          IF g > 255 g = 255
          IF b < 0 b = 0
          IF b > 255 b = 255
          COLOUR 1, r, g, b
          LINE 0, 2*Y%, 1280, 2*Y%
        NEXT Y%
        WAIT 200

      DEF PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, RETURN a, RETURN b, RETURN c )
      PROCsolve2x2( x1^2-x2^2, x1-x2, y1-y2, \
      \ x1^2-x3^2, x1-x3, y1-y3, \
      \ a, b )
      c = y1 - (a*x1^2 + b*x1)

      DEF PROCsolve2x2(A, B, C, D, E, F, RETURN x, RETURN y)
      LOCAL d, e
      e = A*E - B*D
      IF ABS( e ) < 0.0000001 THEN ENDPROC
      d = 1 / e
      x = d * (E*C - B*F)
      y = d * (A*F - D*C)

Another rotating square:

      MODE 10 : OFF

      WinW% = @vdu%!208
      WinH% = @vdu%!212

      rectW% = 480
      rectH% = 480

      DIM p(2*rectW%-1,1), q(2*rectW%-1,1), m(1,1)

      FOR I% = 0 TO 2*rectW%-1 STEP 2
        p(I%, 0) = (I% - rectW%)
        p(I%, 1) = -rectH%
        p(I%+1, 0) = p(I%,0)
        p(I%+1, 1) = rectH%
      NEXT I%

      newColours% = TRUE
      time0% = TIME

      ORIGIN WinW%, WinH%
      GCOL 1


        IF newColours% THEN PROCgetRandomColours : newColours% = FALSE
        T% = TIME
        sin = SIN(T%/100)
        cos = COS(T%/100)
        m() = cos, -sin, sin, cos
        q() = p().m()
        @vdu%!248 = 2
        FOR I% = 0 TO 2*rectW%-1 STEP 2
          f = I%/(2*rectW%-1)
          r = a1*f*f + b1*f + c1
          g = a2*f*f + b2*f + c2
          b = a3*f*f + b3*f + c3
          IF r < 0 r = 0
          IF r > 255 r = 255
          IF g < 0 g = 0
          IF g > 255 g = 255
          IF b < 0 b = 0
          IF b > 255 b = 255
          COLOUR 1, r, g, b
          LINE q(I%,0), q(I%,1), q(I%+1,0), q(I%+1,1)
        @vdu%!248 = 1
        IF T% > time0%+300 THEN
          time0% = T%
          newColours% = TRUE

      DEF PROCgetRandomColours
      rgb1% = RND(&FFFFFF)
      rgb2% = RND(&FFFFFF)
      rgb3% = RND(&FFFFFF)
      r1& = rgb1%
      g1& = rgb1% >> 8
      b1& = rgb1% >> 16
      r2& = rgb2%
      g2& = rgb2% >> 8
      b2& = rgb2% >> 16
      r3& = rgb3%
      g3& = rgb3% >> 8
      b3& = rgb3% >> 16
      PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( 0.0, r1&, 0.5, g1&, 1.0, b1&, a1, b1, c1 )
      PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( 0.0, r2&, 0.5, g2&, 1.0, b2&, a2, b2, c2 )
      PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( 0.0, r3&, 0.5, g3&, 1.0, b3&, a3, b3, c3 )

      DEF PROCgetQuadraticCoeffs( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, RETURN a, RETURN b, RETURN c )
      PROCsolve2x2( x1^2-x2^2, x1-x2, y1-y2, \
      \ x1^2-x3^2, x1-x3, y1-y3, \
      \ a, b )
      c = y1 - (a*x1^2 + b*x1)

      DEF PROCsolve2x2(A, B, C, D, E, F, RETURN x, RETURN y)
      LOCAL d, e
      e = A*E - B*D
      IF ABS( e ) < 0.0000001 THEN ENDPROC
      d = 1 / e
      x = d * (E*C - B*F)
      y = d * (A*F - D*C)
« Last Edit: May 25th, 2016, 07:35am by David Williams » User IP Logged

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #4 on: May 26th, 2016, 12:38am »

"another rotating sqr"
in line 30

        rem this is wrong:
        rem sin = sin(T%/100)
        rem cos = cos(T%/100)
        rem m() = cos, -sin, sin, cos
        rem here is how you do it:
        ssin = sin(T%/100)
        ccos = cos(T%/100)
        m() = ccos, -ssin, ssin, ccos
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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #5 on: Nov 11th, 2016, 6:50pm »

Referring to the LARP program, I'm a little confused by the results. I tried using these definitions:
col1% = &008800
col2% = &0000FF
which I expected would shade from dark green to light blue. Instead it shades from a sort of orange-brown to bright pink.

Anyone have any idea why?

Also, do you mind if I use this routine in one of my programs?
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David Williams

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #6 on: Nov 11th, 2016, 8:42pm »

Yes, sorry about this. I hadn't tested the 'lerping' function very well, and discovered it was broken a few weeks ago (but didn't think anyone would ever notice!).

Anyway, here's a more compact and possibly faster function which does actually work as intended:


And here's the test program using your colour values (&008800, &0000FF):

      MODE 8 : OFF

      WinW% = 2 * @vdu%!208
      WinH% = 2 * @vdu%!212

      col1% = &008800
      col2% = &0000FF

      GCOL 1

      FOR Y% = 0 TO WinH%-1
        f% = 256 * Y%/(WinH%-1)
        c% = FN_LerpRGB( col1%, col2%, f% )
        COLOUR 1, (c% AND &FF0000)>>16, (c% AND &FF00)>>8, c% AND &FF
        LINE 0, Y%, WinW%, Y%
      NEXT Y%



And yes, you're welcome to use any of my code snippets/functions in your own programs.

« Last Edit: Nov 11th, 2016, 8:44pm by David Williams » User IP Logged

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #7 on: Nov 12th, 2016, 03:56am »

Many thanks, both for the revised function and the permission.

I have a program that displays a rolling carousel of notices and announcements for my branch of the U3A and thought it would be nice to have a variegated background instead of just a plain colour. That's when I remembered your program and started to play with it in earnest.
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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #8 on: Nov 12th, 2016, 04:12am »

By the way, given that the colours are defined in hexadecimal, which means that the maximum for any one component is &FF, is there any conceivable harm in reducing the line to

COLOUR 1,c%>>16,c%>>8,c%AND&FF

instead of

COLOUR 1, (c% AND &FF0000)>>16, (c% AND &FF00)>>8, c% AND &FF

I know why you have done the AND&FF000 but is it necessary? (In fact I suspect that I could even get rid of the final AND&FF)
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David Williams

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xx Re: Fast RGB 'lerp' in BASIC
« Reply #9 on: Nov 12th, 2016, 04:29am »

on Nov 12th, 2016, 04:12am, KenDown wrote:
By the way, given that the colours are defined in hexadecimal, which means that the maximum for any one component is &FF, is there any conceivable harm in reducing the line to

COLOUR 1,c%>>16,c%>>8,c%AND&FF

It certainly seems to work, so the interpreter is probably already performing an 'AND &FF' on each of the RGB values. Well spotted - it's nice to learn something new!

« Last Edit: Nov 12th, 2016, 04:29am by David Williams » User IP Logged

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