BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> Users' offerings Users' offerings
Post by dje4816 on Nov 28th, 2013, 1:01pm
Is there somewhere that users are encouraged to upload code they have written which they believe may useful or of interest to other members?
Re: Users' offerings
Post by admin on Nov 28th, 2013, 3:31pm
Is there somewhere that users are encouraged to upload code they have written which they believe may useful or of interest to other members?
If it's a 'building block' (such as a FN/PROC) that does something useful, which you think might be of general interest, then your best bet is to write a Wiki article describing what it does, how it's used and listing the code.
If it's an entire program that you want to 'showcase' then upload it to any convenient place (for example the public folder of a Dropbox account, or your own web space - e.g. provided by your ISP) and publish a link. If it's sufficiently interesting I'll add it to the BB4W Links page.
Alternatively you can use the files area of the old Yahoo group (but that can't be seen by non-members), or the file folder of the Wiggio group (you need to be a member to upload, but anybody can download if they have the link).