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Impossible to remove files
Post by ady on Aug 9th, 2015, 11:53am
Thought I would share with fellow users
I got a naughty virus via the windows autorun facility when you enter a cd into the caddy about 6 months ago.
It was a real sneaky one which shut down zonealarm pro when it got blocked and then tried to log on to the netty.
Only my archaic manual system stopped it connecting up, then there was a couple of days spent clearing it up and restoring my unaffected setup again
It left an impregnable autorun.inf file on my large backup drive which although not active, refused to budge in administrator mode, safe mode, user mode, the command line mode, you name it, I tried deleting it and although D:\ dir /A-D showed the file as plain as day all attempts to exterminate it failed
Well I got it today after seeing a lucky post on the net
right click/properties click the security tab then click on the full control checkbox
you may have to "change user" in the upper box to ungrey the checkboxes for full control
Then cut/paste the offending file to a thumb usb drive and you can delete it as normal, it's this cut/paste that saves the day, normal file handling routes all failed with this file
Took me 6 months to finally kill it