BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Communication and Input/Output >> Can I print to a file?

Can I print to a file?
Post by fisherhj on Aug 28th, 2012, 03:39am

I have written a small ephemeris program -- it generates planetary positions for various dates. Can I print the output to a text file instead of generating hard copy on my printer?

Re: Can I print to a file?
Post by admin on Aug 28th, 2012, 08:33am

on Aug 28th, 2012, 03:39am, fisherhj wrote:
I have written a small ephemeris program -- it generates planetary positions for various dates. Can I print the output to a text file instead of generating hard copy on my printer?

Certainly you can if the output is 'plain text'. The easiest way is probably to output to a file as well as to the screen, using *SPOOL:

      *SPOOL outputfile.txt
      PRINT "Output your data in the normal way"

If you want to output to a file instead of to the screen there are various approaches such as using *SPOOL in conjunction with VDU 21 and VDU 6:

      VDU 21
      *SPOOL c:\outputfile.txt
      PRINT "Output your data in the normal way"
      VDU 6 

Or you could use PRINT# instead of PRINT:

      outfile% = OPENOUT("outputfile.txt")
      PRINT #outfile%, "Output your data directly to a file"
      BPUT #outfile%, 10
      CLOSE #outfile% 

Or you could use *OUTPUT to redirect the output:

      outfile% = OPENOUT("outputfile.txt")
      OSCLI "OUTPUT " + STR$outfile%
      PRINT "Output your data in the normal way"
      CLOSE #outfile% 

Re: Can I print to a file?
Post by fisherhj on Aug 28th, 2012, 2:59pm

Lovely! Many thanks