BBC BASIC for Windows
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BB4W outlasts Windows XP
Post by rtr on Apr 8th, 2014, 5:40pm

BBC BASIC for Windows version 1.00a was released on 1st October 2001; approximately three weeks later Windows XP became available for the first time. Today, after about 12 years and 6 months, Microsoft has officially stopped supporting Windows XP, but BB4W is still going strong.


Re: BB4W outlasts Windows XP
Post by Kirkkaf13 on Apr 9th, 2014, 11:04am

I believe if Microsoft did not drop support it would still be going strong for many years to come.

Personally I dislike Windows XP, I don't know what issue people have with Windows 8 but it is ALOT nicer and very fast.

I was surprised with how many companies are still using XP. One of them being the UK government who has paid Microsoft for another years support. I also spent sometime at a NatWest bank yesterday and they are still using XP so they must of paid for continued support too.

As the latest version of DirectX are not supported with XP it wont be long until most home uses are forced to change, if they play games that is.

BB4W will be going strong for years to come, I think it is one of the most modern / powerful BASIC dialects around although it is 32bit.

Most computers now are 64bit, including this one I am using so I have my fingers crossed for a 64bit version in the future.