BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> GUI builder GUI builder
Post by Rumpole on Mar 22nd, 2014, 5:17pm
Has anyone written a BBC Basic "drag and drop" GUI builder similar to Liberty Basic's "FreeForms"? Or am I just a cissy? Re: GUI builder
Post by rtr on Mar 22nd, 2014, 6:39pm
Has anyone written a BBC Basic "drag and drop" GUI builder similar to Liberty Basic's "FreeForms"?
I'm pretty certain that somebody (maybe Glen McInnis) said that they were planning to do exactly that, but it was quite some time ago and nothing seems to have come of it. I made a start, several years ago, on something similar that was to be called GUIMAKER, but it only got as far as a menu editor before it was abandoned.
FreeForm was a labour of love by its main author John Davidson and we would need somebody with a similar degree of commitment and spare time to create something comparable.
Liberty BASIC also has 'LB Workshop' which is an entire replacement IDE that, along with many other things, also features a drag-and-drop GUI editor, but that is closed source.
All we have at the moment is DLGEDIT, and the various third-party enhanced versions such as JDLGEDIT and DLGEDITCE, which do go some way to provide the functionality but are nowhere near as capable as FreeForm.