BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> BBC BASIC language >> how do I copy output to another application how do I copy output to another application
Post by Chas on Jan 31st, 2014, 11:27am
written my first program in BBC BASIC for 35 years. Have got output of 25 lines. Only the last 20 appear in the output screen. And I cannot seem to copy this output in order to paste it elsewhere. Can someone set me right please.
Re: how do I copy output to another application
Post by admin on Jan 31st, 2014, 11:55am
Have got output of 25 lines. Only the last 20 appear in the output screen.
Presumably the first five lines have 'scrolled off the top'. Since all the standard display modes provide at least 25 lines of text, I wonder if you have omitted the MODE statement (or equivalent, e.g. VDU 23,22...) altogether. Maybe you were assuming that, like the BBC Micro did, BB4W initialises to one of the standard modes - it doesn't!
And I cannot seem to copy this output in order to paste it elsewhere.
You can, but only if you are using a monospaced (fixed-pitch) font. The Help documentation tells you that to copy the output to the clipboard use Ctrl+Tab: