BBC BASIC for Windows
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Search BASIC Programs utility
Post by admin on Jun 29th, 2009, 09:26am
I've rejigged the SEARCHBBC tool (supplied with BB4W) as an add-in utility; this is more satisfactory than the old 'macro activated' version which could fail if the currently-loaded program contained PROCs or FNs that clashed with those in SEARCHBBC. Here it is:
At the same time I've taken the opportunity to enhance its facilities a little:
1. There are now 'Match whole word only' and 'Match case' options.
2. It searches both .BBC (tokenised) and .BAS (plain text) files.
3. Double-clicking on a 'found' filename in the list view opens that file in a new BB4W window.
4. You can now search for a single keyword (e.g. RECTANGLE) but that greatly increases the likelihood of a 'spurious' match with a line-length or line-number byte (like the original version, it takes no special precautions to ignore those bytes when searching).
As is usual for add-in utilities you must run the program once in order to install it; thereafter you access the utility from the BB4W 'Utilities' menu (after restarting BB4W if necessary). You don't need to download the utility to your PC first; you can simply install it from the link above if you want to. Adminstrative privileges are required for installation; if you are prompted to execute the program a second time with elevated privileges (e.g. on Windows Vista) then do so.
To remove the utility, or to move it to another 'slot', just run the program again. Alternatively you can use Malcolm Marten's 'Utilities Manager' for these tasks.