BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> D3D
Post by michael on Mar 15th, 2016, 06:33am
I am going to try to crack the D3D world .
Re: D3D
Post by Ric on Jun 4th, 2016, 1:00pm
Have you cracked it? I had a look and it seem like Greek to me. I would be interested in seeing results.
Re: D3D
Post by michael on Jun 10th, 2016, 03:46am
Actually I have. By using Hexagon3D. I have been very busy, so I haven't spent much time programming and I lost my previous 3D work as I had to replace my hard drive. ( use the cloud)
But most everything is back on my computer including a updated version of Hexagon 3D.. I used to use Hexagon 3D in Second Life along with lsl programming
(Linden Scripting Language)
language to make all sorts of cool stuff.
I was on Second Life back in 2009, 2010 and I still have an active account.
But on the D3D, I had posted a few examples of how I cracked the controls with the 3D pyramid.
But I have advanced far beyond D3D as I have found a easier and better way.
Re: D3D
Post by Ric on Jun 11th, 2016, 3:09pm
Cheers Michael,
I too am mad busy, new child and new contract at work leave little time for play!! When things settle down I will have a look through your postings, Torry and gleen as much as I can.