BBC BASIC for Windows
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Error in Tutorial?
Post by chrispc on Jun 5th, 2014, 09:42am

This is so minor a complaint and I am so new to this that I wondered about bothering; also I assume that if I am right others have discovered it: on page 10/10 (the last) in Chapter 14 of the Tutorial, the 3rd line reads 'PRINT "Dimension:";N%;
I THINK the last item should be I% instead of N%.

Hope I am not making a fool of myself here.
Re: Error in Tutorial?
Post by rtr on Jun 5th, 2014, 11:32am

on Jun 5th, 2014, 09:42am, chrispc wrote:
I THINK the last item should be I% instead of N%.

I assume so too, but unfortunately the tutorial's author Peter Nairn has long since disappeared so cannot be consulted. Perhaps we should consider it a 'deliberate mistake' to see if the reader is paying attention!
