BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Simulation of the 1985 BBC 'OWL' ident Simulation of the 1985 BBC 'OWL' ident
Post by rtr on Mar 30th, 2014, 8:48pm
I made this primarily for TV ident enthusiasts, but since (naturally) it's coded in BBC BASIC some people here may be interested:
It's very closely based on the WORLD.BBC example program supplied with BB4W, but there are five Direct3D lights instead of one (including one for the specular reflection), there's both an 'inward facing' and an 'outward facing' texture map, and the latter has an alpha mask so you can see through the oceans to the other side.
Re: Simulation of the 1985 BBC 'OWL' ident
Post by VBI on Mar 31st, 2014, 08:49am
Brilliant, Richard. That deserves a virtual round of applause!
Re: Simulation of the 1985 BBC 'OWL' ident
Post by rtr on Apr 2nd, 2014, 10:35pm
I've updated both the EXE and Screen Saver versions to use a higher quality BBC1 logo, which somebody was kind enough to send me: