BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Program Editor >> CTRL + (Backspace or Delete) CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by RayRayTea on Aug 9th, 2012, 04:32am
Is there a way to have standard Windows feature of deleting the whole word by pressing CTRL + (Backspace or Delete) behave like it does in all other Windows applications? I use this a lot while typing and find myself occasionally attempting to use it in BB4W IDE… but it doesn't work there, instead it produces glitches.
I know I can also just select the text by first selecting it with Shift + Cursor Left / Right and then deleting it, but it's more work.
Re: CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by admin on Aug 9th, 2012, 08:40am
Is there a way to have standard Windows feature of deleting the whole word by pressing CTRL + (Backspace or Delete) behave like it does in all other Windows applications?
Standard Windows feature? All other applications?
The BB4W program editor is modelled on Notepad, which is as 'standard' as it comes, and in Notepad CTRL+Backspace doesn't delete a word, it inserts a DEL character in the text. I've also tried another application (Liberty BASIC), and that's the same: CTRL+Backspace inserts a character in the text.
Interestingly, Raymond Chen of Microsoft has blogged on this very subject; he describes it as a 'rogue feature':
The quickest way to delete an entire word in BB4W is to double-click on it and then press delete. To do it without the mouse, hold down both SHIFT and CTRL then press the left or right arrow to select a word.
Re: CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by RayRayTea on Aug 9th, 2012, 09:27am
Well it's standard on my computer :) For example in the last few hours I used it while typing the original post of this thread (in Chrome), in Photoshop (while renaming a layer), in path bar of my file manager (Direcotry Opus; admittedly it doesn't work while renaming files), in OpenOffice ("Calc", to be precise), and I know it also works in Notepad++ and other software I use daily as well as Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer 64. So this made me think it's standard.
I know a word can be deleted by doubleclicking (or selecting it with Shift, I even mentioned that in the first post) and deleting it, but the CTRL + Del is much quicker. Had no idea it's actually a wild feature, I'm using it constantly! Heh, nevermind then. Too bad, it's such a handy operation!
Edit: clarification. Edit: Just for fun I tried it in PureBasic and PlayBasic, and it works there too. GLBasic doesn't support it.
Re: CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by admin on Aug 9th, 2012, 10:09am
Not in Notepad, surely? Notepad is basically a regular Windows Edit Control with a simple wrapper to provide menus etc. Therefore I would say that is as close as you will get to defining a 'standard' for the keyboard interface.
It's apparent from the replies to Raymond's blog post that several applications have copied the 'rogue feature'. Maybe BB4W should too, but obviously it's not something that I can retro-fit into the existing version. I tried programming a Macro key to do it, but that didn't work either.
Re: CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by RayRayTea on Aug 9th, 2012, 10:55am
Well I use Notepad++ myself and thankfully haven't seen Microsoft's Notepad on my screen for literally years so I had no idea… but yes, as you say there it doesn't work either.
To be honest I never even thought of checking whether this feature is a "rogue" one… But anyway, if you ever start using it, you will see it's as useful as CTRL + Cursor (Left / Right) so maybe you'll get the desire to implement it in BB4W too Re: CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by admin on Oct 8th, 2012, 08:33am
It's apparent from the replies to Raymond's blog post that several applications have copied the 'rogue feature'. Maybe BB4W should too
It's implemented in BB4W version 5.94a.
Re: CTRL + (Backspace or Delete)
Post by RayRayTea on Feb 11th, 2013, 11:20am
Just wanted to thank you for implementing this, it's really making things smoother for me!
…but to make things funny, in one of the latest updates Microsoft must have changed something because some (fortunately a minority) of the software that used this feature now works differently, namely it deletes the whole line (or inserts a "rectangle" character) instead of just the word! Grr!