BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Tools and Utilities >> Sleep mode controls for Raspberry Pi 3 (modified)

Sleep mode controls for Raspberry Pi 3 (modified)
Post by michael on May 4th, 2017, 03:54am

With a bit of wisdom from Richard, I have made this control to keep things efficient
      WAIT 1
        k% = INKEY(4)
      UNTIL k%<>-1 OR resp% >0
      PRINT "done"
      DEF FNmoucheck
      PRIVATE mx%,my%,mb%,x%,y%,b%
      MOUSE x%,y%,b%
      IF mx%=0 AND my%=0 AND mb%=0 THEN mx%=x%:my%=y%:mb%=b%: =-1
      IF mx%=x% AND my%=y% AND mb%=b% THEN =-1 ELSE mx%=x%:my%=y%:mb%=b%:=1

Re: Sleep mode controls for Raspberry Pi 3
Post by DDRM on May 4th, 2017, 08:42am

Hi Michael,

So it just waits until you press a key or move/click the mouse, then wakes your program up again? I can see that being useful - for example, you could run a "screensaver" routine in the background, or security lock the program and demand a password to re-start.

One minor problem: you don't reset mx%,my% and mb% when you wake up again, so if you use the routine again it will report back immediately unless you are very lucky and leave the mouse EXACTLY where it was before...

One potential issue might be that the user wants the input they provide to be used. Would it be useful for your routine to return the button value and coordinates in some way - perhaps as parameters to your function?

Best wishes,

Re: Sleep mode controls for Pi 3- improved post
Post by michael on May 4th, 2017, 12:02pm

This is an expansion on the topic that gives a returned key value.

This is a VERY efficient way to manage input from the keyboard, yet also keep the CPU cool

This modification is an expansion of Raspberry Pi topic which is greatly dependent on Richards solution,

It is highly valuable on BBCSDL and BBC4W ...

      REM This section gives a keypressed value that can be stored to a string

        WAIT 1
        IF what%>0 THEN PRINT STR$(what%)+"  "+CHR$(what%)
      REM keep FNkeychk and FNmoucheck together
      REM ****************************************************************
        k% = INKEY(4)
      UNTIL k%<>-1 OR resp% >0
      DEF FNmoucheck
      PRIVATE mx%,my%,mb%,x%,y%,b%
      MOUSE x%,y%,b%
      IF mx%=0 AND my%=0 AND mb%=0 THEN mx%=x%:my%=y%:mb%=b%: =-1
      IF mx%=x% AND my%=y% AND mb%=b% THEN =-1 ELSE mx%=x%:my%=y%:mb%=b%:=1
      REM ********* END OF EFFICIENT CONTROLS  ****************************