BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Integrated Development Environment >> Utilities Manager utility

Utilities Manager utility
Post by admin on Oct 22nd, 2010, 08:27am

I have been collaborating with Malcolm Marten to update his Utilities Manager add-in. The new version (3.2) can be downloaded from here:

The main differences from the previous version are that you can launch the 'extra' utilities by double-clicking (as well as by clicking on the Run button) and that the database of extra utilities is now held in the registry rather than in a text file. A few bugs have also been fixed.

Another new feature is that not only can you rearrange utilities within the set of nine that are immediately accessible from the BB4W Utilities menu, you can also move them to or from the list of 'extra' utilities.

If you installed an earlier version you will have to re-enter the details of your extra utilities, which you do by clicking on 'Manager', selecting one of the 'unnumbered' empty slots, and clicking 'Edit'.
