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Topic: Please help me :/ (Read 1232 times) |
Please help me :/
« Thread started on: May 15th, 2013, 6:26pm » |
Hi guys, I'm trying to create a program which (very basically) draws 52 cards. However, I can't get them to not repeat. Also, the last bit doesn't work either because if I input something other than Y or N it still restarts the program. Please help, and thank you SO much in advance! :S
Here's the code:
*ESC OFF OFF 10 DIM Cards(13,4) REPEAT FORI% = 1 TO 52 PRINT "" 20 SuitR% = RND(4) ValueR% = RND(13) IF Cards(ValueR%,SuitR%) = 1 GOTO 20 CASE SuitR% OF WHEN 1: CASE ValueR% OF WHEN 1: PRINT " Ace of Spades" WHEN 11: PRINT " Jack of Spades" WHEN 12: PRINT " Queen of Spades" WHEN 13: PRINT " King of Spades" OTHERWISE: PRINT ValueR% ; " of Spades" ENDCASE WHEN 2: CASE ValueR% OF WHEN 1: COLOUR 9 PRINT " Ace of Hearts" COLOUR 0 WHEN 11: COLOUR 9 PRINT " Jack of Hearts" COLOUR 0 WHEN 12: COLOUR 9 PRINT " Queen of Hearts" COLOUR 0 WHEN 13: COLOUR 9 PRINT " King of Hearts" COLOUR 0 OTHERWISE: COLOUR 9 PRINT ValueR% ; " of Hearts" COLOUR 0 ENDCASE WHEN 3: CASE ValueR% OF WHEN 1: COLOUR 9 PRINT " Ace of Diamonds" COLOUR 0 WHEN 11: COLOUR 9 PRINT " Jack of Diamonds" COLOUR 0 WHEN 12: COLOUR 9 PRINT " Queen of Diamonds" COLOUR 0 WHEN 13: COLOUR 9 PRINT " King of Diamonds" COLOUR 0 OTHERWISE: COLOUR 9 PRINT ValueR% ; " of Diamonds" COLOUR 0 ENDCASE WHEN 4: CASE ValueR% OF WHEN 1: PRINT " Ace of Clubs" WHEN 11: PRINT " Jack of Clubs" WHEN 12: PRINT " Queen of Clubs" WHEN 13: PRINT " King of Clubs" OTHERWISE: PRINT ValueR% ; " of Clubs" ENDCASE Cards(ValueR%,SuitR%) = 1 ENDCASE PRINT "" PRINT "" PRINT "" COLOUR 2 INPUT "Deal next card with 'Enter'" card$ COLOUR 0 CLS 30 NEXT I% INPUT " Go again? (y/n) " choice$ IF choice$ = "n" OR choice$ = "N" THEN : QUIT IF choice$ = "y" OR choice$ = "Y" THEN : CLS GOTO 10 ELSE GOTO 30 ENDIF UNTIL FALSE
Star Trek Tshirt Steve
Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #1 on: May 15th, 2013, 7:07pm » |
Hi Sam, I can't see any problems with your coding :/ sorry. I think that you should ask you teacher about this in an upcoming lesson.
The real Star Trek TShirt
Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #2 on: May 15th, 2013, 7:10pm » |
Who's this imposter! I am the true STAR TREK T-SHIRT STEVE!
Michael Hutton
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #3 on: May 15th, 2013, 7:18pm » |
I'll give you a clue but not the answer.
Look at the line:
Cards(ValueR%,SuitR%) = 1
and then try to figure out when it is actually being run (for instance, put a PRINT"Hello":G=GET just before it.)
It is all to do with the prgram flow and how the CASE..ENDCASE is being used.
Also, you might want to check out the Wiki here: which will give you some clues. Also, search the yahoo groups for 'shuffle' and you'll find some talk of this in the past.
Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #4 on: May 15th, 2013, 7:42pm » |
Thanks, Michael. Unfortunately I'm not too up to date with my BASIC knowledge. Could you give me any other tips? This has to be done urgently and my friend and I are starting to panic as we can't work this out. Also, can you see a problem with our closing few lines? They don't seem to work and I can think of no logical reason why :/ Thank you very, very much!
Michael Hutton
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #5 on: May 15th, 2013, 8:52pm » |
I haven't done homework for anyone for ages. C'mon, you can work it out.
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #6 on: May 15th, 2013, 9:21pm » |
on May 15th, 2013, 6:26pm, Guest-Sam wrote:Hi guys, I'm trying to create a program which (very basically) draws 52 cards. However, I can't get them to not repeat. |
If you are trying to shuffle a pack of cards there is a standard algorithm for that - it's called the Fisher-Yates or Knuth shuffle:
There is a BBC BASIC implementation at the bottom of this Wiki article:
However please note that BBC BASIC's RND function is entirely unsuited to shuffling cards, in a 'serious' application, because it simply doesn't have enough 'randomness' to create anything more than a tiny proportion of the total number of possible shuffles. See the paragraph How to do better than RND.
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #7 on: May 16th, 2013, 09:28am » |
To amplify Michael's answer a little, without just re-writing it for you, I bet you don't get many repeated clubs, do you? can you work out why?
As Richard has hinted, you might be better setting up a full pack and shuffling it, then printing out the result. Your approach will spend a lot of time towards the end of the pack searching for a card it hasn't used yet - though modern computers are so fast you probably won't notice it...
If we can't persuade you to restructure the program without labels and GOTOs, at least look at where you have put the labels, and make sure it is really what you mean. That may sort out your problem at the end.
Best wishes,
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #8 on: Oct 22nd, 2015, 07:38am » |
Now that there is no danger of doing Sam's homework for him - and I agree that one learns best by doing! - I thought I would have a go at his little problem. I haven't bothered with Richard's caution about the weakness of RND as this is not a "serious" application.
PROCinit PROCshowcards(0) REPEAT PROCshufflecards PROCshowcards(20) PRINT"Continue? Y/N" g%=GETAND223 UNTILg%=78 END : DEFPROCshufflecards FORj%=1TO4 FORi%=1TO13 a%=RND(13) b%=RND(13) c%=RND(4) d%=RND(4) SWAPcard$(a%,c%),card$(b%,d%) NEXT NEXT
ENDPROC : DEFPROCshowcards(t%) FORi%=1TO13 FORj%=1TO4 PRINTTAB(t%+j%*4,i%)card$(i%,j%)" " NEXT NEXT ENDPROC : DEFPROCinit DIMcard$(13,4) FORi%=1TO13 CASEi%OF WHEN1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 c$=STR$i% WHEN11 c$="J" WHEN12 c$="Q" WHEN13 c$="K" ENDCASE FORj%=1TO4 IFj%<3card$(i%,j%)=CHR$17+CHR$9+c$ELSEcard$(i%,j%)=CHR$17+CHR$0+c$ NEXT NEXT ENDPROC
Incidentally, the two lines beginning with a percentage sign are really part of one long line that has been split into three.
Anyone else want to do better or more concisely?
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #9 on: Oct 22nd, 2015, 12:46pm » |
A Challenge! I LIKE it! Sorry, I had children of a "Noddy" age a few years ago, and there was a character who said this...
I don't claim it's better, but it is more concise: Code:
DIM p&(51)
FOR c&=1 TO 51
FOR c&=0 TO 51
PRINT TAB((c& MOD 4)*5,(c& DIV 4));MID$(c$,(p&(c&) DIV 4)+1,1)+MID$(s$,(p&(c&) MOD 4)+1,1)
I haven't checked it rigorously, but I did test it with a routine to check it consistently (5-10 times!) uses all the cards. You can test it lays them out right by changing the shuffling routine to a direct
It uses an "inside out" Fisher-Yates shuffle to generate the pack already shuffled. Again, I've just used the standard RND function,so it's not casino grade!
I've used byte variables to use less memory - part of "concise", I guess...
Best wishes,
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #10 on: Oct 22nd, 2015, 2:50pm » |
Very nice. Lacks the pretty colours, but that wouldn't add much to its length.
In fact, change the definition of s$ to s$=CHR$17+CHR$0+"C"+CHR$17+CHR$9+"D"+CHR$17+CHR$9+"H"+CHR$17+CHR$0+"S"
and the actual printing out to PRINT TAB((c& MOD 4)*5,(c& DIV 4));MID$(c$,(p&(c&) DIV 4)+1,1)+MID$(s$,((p&(c&) MOD 4)*3)+1,3)
and you'll get the suites in colour.
I looked at the Fisher-Yates shuffle that Richard referenced but decided not to try and implement it as I wanted to recreate what Sam might have used. I'm sure that if I had tried, I would have been much more long-winded than you.
That was the same reason for using elements 1-52 of the array instead of 0-51, which is what any *real* programmer would have done!
Now all we need is some smarty-pants to come along and do it all in a single line of code!
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #11 on: Oct 22nd, 2015, 3:39pm » |
Hi Kendall,
Mine fits fine on a single line of code, if such is your fancy, but it's harder to read... Implementing a game of bridge with it would be a good trick, though! 
Clever trick with the colours: I like that!
I used a 0-based array because it makes the MODs and DIVs much easier, even though it's a bit less clear for the "lay reader", and needs adaptation for the string references, which are 1-based (and arguably for the RND calls, too).
Best wishes,
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Re: Please help me :/
« Reply #12 on: Oct 22nd, 2015, 4:04pm » |
Of course, what I had in mind was the old BBC Micro, where lines were limited to 246 bytes (or something like that), so fitting a complete program onto a line called for exquisite programming and no small amount of devious cunning.
I absolutely agree with your reasons for beginning your array with element zero and always do the same myself (well, nearly always!)