BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> BBC Basic version: BMPTOCODE happy face example

BBC Basic version: BMPTOCODE happy face example
Post by michael on Apr 22nd, 2016, 01:36am

Here is the first fully generated program image that BMPTOCODE made from the BBC BASIC version.

Keep in mind that BMPTOCODE is more for making icons ,decoration images and reuseable images in your code that can work like custom commands.

This is a 79 x 79 pixel image

( and I mean that the entire program and image conversion and compression was created from generated code from BMPTOCODE)
Most of the code size in the interpreter could be reused for other images if you put the interpreter in a DEF PROC_.

Its all about complexity: The less complex the image, the smaller the code will be.. (less colors helps too)

I will be making a Dropbox link soon for the app when I am done more testing.
 VDU 22,8
      VDU 23,23,1|
      WAIT 0:END
      DEF PROC_image(h,v)
      READ x,y:REPEAT
        READ nst$,t
        IF nst$="0" THEN r=0:g=0:b=0 :REM 'black              0   0   0
        IF nst$="1" THEN r=192:g=128:b=64:REM  ' brown      192 128  64
        IF nst$="2" THEN r=64:g=64:b=192 :REM'dark blue     64  64 192
        IF nst$="3" THEN r=128:g=128:b=128:REM' dark grey 128 128 128
        IF nst$="4" THEN r=128:g=0:b=0:REM'dark red       128   0   0
        IF nst$="5" THEN r=224:g=192:b=0 :REM'dark yellow  224   192   0
        IF nst$="6" THEN r=128:g=160:b=192:REM'flat blue  128 160 192
        IF nst$="7" THEN r=32:g=192:b=64 :REM'green        32 192  64
        IF nst$="8" THEN r=166:g=202:b=240:REM'light blue 166 202 240
        IF nst$="9" THEN r=192:g=192:b=192:REM 'light gray 192 192 192
        IF nst$="a" THEN r=192:g=224:b=0:REM  'light green  192 224   0
        IF nst$="b" THEN r=224:g=32:b=64:REM'light red    224  32  64
        IF nst$="c" THEN r=0:g=160:b=192 :REM'medblue        0 160 192
        IF nst$="d" THEN r=224:g=128:b=64 :REM 'orange       224 128 64
        IF nst$="e" THEN r=224:g=160:b=192:REM'pink       224 160 192
        IF nst$="f" THEN r=160:g=64:b=192:REM'purple      160 64 192
        IF nst$="g" THEN r=192:g=220:b=192:REM'tan        192 220 192
        IF nst$="h" THEN r=255:g=255:b=255:REM'white      255 255 255
        IF nst$="i" THEN r=255:g=255:b=0:REM'yellow       255 255 0
        COLOUR 0,r,g,b:GCOL 0
        FOR u=0 TO t
          a=a+1: MOVE h+c,v-a:DRAW h+c,v-a:IF a>x  THEN c=c+1:a=0
        NEXT u
      UNTIL nst$="100000"
      MOVE 0,0:ENDPROC
      DATA 79,79
      DATA 0,595,b,9,0,65,b,17,0,57,b,25,0,51,b,29,0,48,b,31,0,45,b,12,0,9,b,12,0,42,b,10,0,16,b,10,0,38,b,9,0
      DATA 21,b,9,0,36,b,8,0,25,b,8,0,34,b,7,0,29,b,7,0,32,b,7,0,32,b,6,0,30,b,6,0,35,b,6,0,28,b,6,0,37
      DATA b,6,0,27,b,5,0,39,b,6,0,25,b,5,0,41,b,5,0,24,b,5,0,28,i,3,0,10,b,5,0,23,b,5,0,28,i,4,0,10,b
      DATA 5,0,21,b,5,0,29,i,4,0,10,b,5,0,20,b,5,0,30,i,5,0,10,b,5,0,19,b,5,0,12,i,2,0,15,i,5,0,9,b,5
      DATA 0,18,b,5,0,11,i,6,0,14,i,4,0,10,b,5,0,17,b,5,0,11,i,7,0,13,i,5,0,9,b,5,0,17,b,4,0,12,i,7,0
      DATA 14,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,17,b,4,0,12,i,7,0,15,i,4,0,9,b,4,0,16,b,5,0,12,i,5,0,17,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,15
      DATA b,4,0,37,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,15,b,4,0,37,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,15,b,4,0,38,i,4,0,9,b,4,0,14,b,4,0,39,i
      DATA 4,0,10,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,4,0,10,b,4
      DATA 0,13,b,4,0,39,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,5,0,9,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,5,0,9,b,4,0,13,b,4,0
      DATA 39,i,5,0,9,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,13,b,4,0,39,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,14,b,4,0,38,i,4,0,9
      DATA b,4,0,15,b,4,0,16,i,2,0,17,i,5,0,9,b,4,0,15,b,4,0,15,i,4,0,16,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,15,b,4,0,14,i
      DATA 6,0,15,i,4,0,10,b,4,0,16,b,4,0,12,i,7,0,14,i,5,0,9,b,5,0,16,b,4,0,12,i,7,0,14,i,4,0,10,b,4
      DATA 0,17,b,5,0,12,i,5,0,15,i,3,0,10,b,5,0,17,b,5,0,33,i,4,0,10,b,5,0,18,b,5,0,31,i,5,0,9,b,5,0
      DATA 19,b,5,0,30,i,4,0,11,b,5,0,20,b,5,0,29,i,3,0,11,b,5,0,22,b,4,0,29,i,2,0,12,b,5,0,22,b,5,0,43
      DATA b,5,0,24,b,5,0,41,b,5,0,25,b,6,0,39,b,6,0,26,b,6,0,37,b,6,0,28,b,6,0,35,b,6,0,30,b,6,0,33,b
      DATA 6,0,32,b,7,0,29,b,7,0,34,b,8,0,25,b,8,0,36,b,9,0,21,b,9,0,38,b,10,0,17,b,10,0,41,b,12,0,9,b,12
      DATA 0,44,b,33,0,47,b,29,0,51,b,25,0,57,b,18,0,64,b,9,100000,0

Re: BBC Basic version: BMPTOCODE happy face exampl
Post by DDRM on Apr 22nd, 2016, 12:16pm

Hi Michael,

OK, I see: its a runlength encoder, which generates data statements. Would it be worth including (like a header) at the beginning of the data the number of colours used as well as the size of the image? You might also consider including the palette (i.e. the RGB code for each of your colours) as part of the data.

If the image contained 16 or fewer colours you wouldn't need to define the colours each time - you could just set up the relevant custom palette, then use GCOL x to set the colour you need.

If you limited your colours to (no more than) 256, and your run lengths to 255 (longer runs would have to be written as several shorter ones, but in small images you won't need to) then you could encode each in a single byte (which you could store as a character, using CHR$), and concatenate them to make a string - one approach might be to have a string for each line of the image, though with the new very long strings of BB4W6 and above you could encode the whole image as one string.

If we follow this kind of approach, I expect we'll end up pretty close to an existing image format.... smiley

You sent me the program which generates the data, which looks like it displays the bitmap, works out the data for each point, and then writes it, together with the display routine, to a program file. Would it make sense to have it just generate the data statements, which you could then append to a general purpose plotting routine/program? Could you simply read in the bitmap file as data, parse the header data, and then just read the data for each point directly? I suspect that would be MUCH faster than reading it off the screen.

Best wishes,

Re: BBC Basic version: BMPTOCODE happy face exampl
Post by michael on Apr 22nd, 2016, 3:19pm

If you look at the data statements, you will see numbers..
Big ones..
1) First it declares the color
2) The color is indicated by a letter or number
3) It then indicates how many times that color is repeated
4) that number is tallied in the cycle until it runs out and a new color is checked.. and so on.
5) meanwhile the location on the image must be maintained along with the borders.

The problem with many colors is each one is potentially this long:
That can add up to A LOT of code. ( no good for a program)
So I selected only the colors I needed in paint on the default colors and made characters for each one.
That way I could compress it down super small

If you want to see some monster code from the uncompressed version I can show that.. Its insane!!