BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Compiler >> REM!Icon REM!Icon
Post by Matt on Nov 16th, 2014, 10:29am
The Help file states this compiler directive as REM!Icon iconfile[,index]. I've found (with my files) that the index is not optional and it has to be at least REM!Icon iconfile, 0.
Is this correct or am I missing something?
Re: REM!Icon
Post by rtr2 on Nov 16th, 2014, 1:17pm
I've found (with my files) that the index is not optional
It is optional, but if you omit it BB4W uses the index of the default icon (which is commonly 2) and there may not be an icon with that index in your file. It's safer to specify it explicitly.
Richard. Re: REM!Icon
Post by Matt on Nov 16th, 2014, 1:37pm
That's great. Would it be worth including that in the next edition of the help, or is it something you would consider as low priority info? Only a thought.