BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Sound, Music and Video >> write sound wave to file/ not output realtime write sound wave to file/ not output realtime
Post by Gavin Lee on Apr 21st, 2011, 1:51pm
Hi, I've managed to use a tutorial I found on how to make my own created wave sound output in realtime (as opposed to playing from a file). And it works great. Apart from the slowness of my pc, which means stereo or higher sampling rates don't work.
I wondered if their is a simple way to write to a file rather than output to my sound card.
RE article on "Outputting real-time audio" Re: write sound wave to file/ not output realtime
Post by admin on Apr 21st, 2011, 2:54pm
Re: write sound wave to file/ not output realtime
Post by Gavin Lee on Apr 28th, 2011, 5:58pm
Thanks, Although am getting a bit confused with buffers not being needed and what variable to stick where. But I'm sure I just need to trim original programs down to bare bones remove buffers etc and write directly to wave with BPUT. I think I'm almost there, but if anyone has any obvious and or helpful hints please leave a message, (I'm editing wavesplit with create wave output in real time from post that was on forum). When I complete the program I shall post it so people can use the write wave directly to file program.