BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> A pseudo-3D road!

A pseudo-3D road!
Post by David Williams on Nov 7th, 2015, 10:28am

Jeffrey Lee over at the 'RISC OS Open' forum recently put up some nice ARM BASIC code which renders an animated pseudo-3D road. I somewhat cheekily took the liberty of adapting it to BB4W (a quick job). Here's the compiled EXE:

The extraneous line visible at the bottom of the window is my fault, not Jeffrey's. I didn't spot it until after I uploaded the EXE.

EDIT: Faster version:

Re: A pseudo-3D road!
Post by dfeugey on Nov 7th, 2015, 6:34pm

Works very well... Thanks.
Re: A pseudo-3D road!
Post by David Williams on Nov 7th, 2015, 7:14pm

on Nov 7th, 2015, 6:34pm, dfeugey wrote:
Works very well... Thanks.

Thanks, David. I've just tried Jeffrey's new version (where he's converted the original BASIC code into C, and made various optimizations), and I ran it under RPCEmu. Runs very impressively.

I'm happy to admit that my polygon plotter (coded in C rather than ASM), as used in road3.exe, is very inefficient but it just about does the job.
