BBC BASIC for Windows
IDE and Compiler >> Integrated Development Environment >> Differences utility

Differences utility
Post by admin on Oct 2nd, 2010, 1:51pm

I have released a new add-in utility for BBC BASIC for Windows - Differences:

This utility compares the current program with an earlier version, allowing you to confirm that the modifications are what you intended and that no accidental changes have taken place.

It works in a similar way to other 'diff' utilities: a listing is displayed in which lines in the old program but not in the current one are shown with a red background, and lines in the current program but not in the old one are shown with a green background. You can navigate between the differences using F8 (next) and F7 (previous).

The utility is limited to programs having fewer than about 6000 lines; a DIM space error will result if the programs being compared are larger than that. This limit could be raised at the expense of memory usage and speed, if required. No longer an issue in version 1.2 and later.
