BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> Lazy Jones Lazy Jones
Post by David Williams on Aug 16th, 2008, 3:47pm
I'm doing a BB4W 'port' of the 80's game "Lazy Jones" (I played it on the Tatung Einstein).
What I liked about the game was the surprise element of not knowing what lay behind those doors! And I really liked the music, too.
I'll be releasing work-in-progress versions of it every few days.
Interested persons can follow the development here:
When you say 'port' are you going to update it as well or keep the 8-bit beeb style?
Sadly, LJ didn't make it to the beeb. The reason for this, I suspect, was due to the beeb's more limited memory (compared to the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Tatung Einstein or MSX). Also, the lack of support for hardware sprites, low-res graphics + fewer colours on the beeb would have resulted in a 'port' that compared unfavourably with the versions on the above-mentioned machines. In fact, it would have been quite naff even if it could've all been squeezed into 20-or-so K of RAM. Oh, and let's not forget LJ's famous background music... it would have sounded less-than-pleasant on the beeb.
Sorry... was going on a bit there!
As for updating: maybe a few new flashy graphical effects here and there, but gameplay-wise the subgames will remain quite faithful to the originals (even if the graphics look a lot different). I'm tempted to add one or two subgames of my own though