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Re: Suggestion: Role playing game
« Reply #1 on: Aug 21st, 2017, 08:19am » |
Hi Michael,
Yes, I'm potentially interested. To make such things work as a collaborative venture (indeed, probably to make a toolkit useful at all), people will probably need to define a core format - for example, how the map/venues are encoded, how text/objects/opponents are linked to particular venues/players, how player status/inventory is stored.
An obvious possible choice for a map is probably a 2D or 3D array - perhaps containing strings defining what each area is like? Alternatively, it could be an array of structures: then the structures could contain elements to define the area/contents, or pointers to them.
I've done some work on the past in D3D rendering, to generate, render and explore a (2D) maze which might be useful, and David Williams has/had a Wolfenstein-type demo, which does something similar. Either might provide the basis of a suitable rendering engine? Or maybe Ric would be interested in amending/developing his 3D rendering routines in this direction?
Of course, many other things would need to be decided, such as how the narrative is encoded, if you want one, how the player would interact, etc - again, conventions would make it easier for collaborators to handle different situations.
Best wishes,