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Programming >> Graphics and Games >> 4x supersampling

4x supersampling
Post by David Williams on Oct 21st, 2011, 03:14am

A first foray...

The moving filled circles (which are drawn not-antialiased) look alright, but the lines don't.


Re: 4x supersampling
Post by admin on Oct 21st, 2011, 09:01am

on Oct 21st, 2011, 03:14am, David Williams wrote:
4x supersampling (bilinear)

I would call that 2x supersampling (in both X and Y directions) myself.

The moving filled circles (which are drawn not-antialiased) look alright, but the lines don't.

I would expect 4x supersampling (i.e. 16 times the number of pixels) to be necessary for an acceptable degree of antialiasing.

I found an article from somebody who actually understands sampling: In particular he correctly says "Since there is no analog prefilter, no matter how high the supersampling rate, there'll always be some aliasing present".


Re: 4x supersampling
Post by David Williams on Oct 21st, 2011, 2:02pm

on Oct 21st, 2011, 09:01am, Richard Russell wrote:
I would call that 2x supersampling (in both X and Y directions) myself.

So would I, now!

In any case, software-based supersampling isn't practical for the kind of applications I have in mind.

Re: 4x supersampling
Post by admin on Oct 21st, 2011, 2:19pm

on Oct 21st, 2011, 2:02pm, David Williams wrote:
In any case, software-based supersampling isn't practical for the kind of applications I have in mind.

What's the main limitation, the downsampling to the final size, or the overhead of having to plot perhaps 16-times the number of pixels you otherwise would?

Re: 4x supersampling
Post by David Williams on Oct 21st, 2011, 3:10pm

on Oct 21st, 2011, 2:19pm, Richard Russell wrote:
What's the main limitation, the downsampling to the final size, or the overhead of having to plot perhaps 16-times the number of pixels you otherwise would?


If I wanted, say, a game to run at an acceptable frame rate (30 fps minimum), the CPU bandwidth requirements would be substantial; clearing (or redrawing the background of) the (very large) source buffer each frame, drawing extra-large bitmaps/sprites to it which themselves may involve various CPU-burdernsome operations like blending and various other colour manipulations. Then doing the actual "supersampling". There's also got to be some bandwidth left for the usual realtime calculations dependent on the particular game in question. 30 fps might possibly be achievable, but the dear old CPU will be running flat-out.

In this context, I don't think a software implementation of 4x supersampling (or higher) is practical, unless we fancy our CPUs red-hot.

Re: 4x supersampling
Post by admin on Oct 21st, 2011, 4:56pm

on Oct 21st, 2011, 3:10pm, David Williams wrote:
30 fps might possibly be achievable, but the dear old CPU will be running flat-out.

Assuming we're comparing like for like (i.e. achieving anti-aliasing by means of supersampling versus directly plotting anti-aliased objects) it seems to me that it's not so clear cut.

As we've both found, plotting anti-aliased lines and curves is non-trivial, especially if there is a thickness parameter. And plotting anti-aliased filled shapes like Bezier curves is particularly challenging. The page to which I linked before stated that antialiased ray-tracing is all but impossible.

So what we end up with is a situation where if there aren't too many objects, and if they're not too complex, then directly plotting them antialiased will most likely win. But if there are a large number of objects, and/or they are quite complex, then plotting them supersampled, but not antialiased, might be the best solution.

As ever, it would require experimentation to discover what is the best approach for any given situation.

Re: 4x supersampling
Post by David Williams on Oct 22nd, 2011, 7:49pm

Just did an experiment to compare the results of 1x (i.e. no), 2x, 4x, 8x and 12x "supersampling".

I'd say that 2x may be just about sufficient for 2D bitmap-based games.

Here, the supersampling's done using the simplest (i.e. rectangular grid, no random offsets),
and possibly a less effective variant of the algorithm. The JPEGs were saved under the highest quality setting.






Re: 4x supersampling
Post by admin on Oct 22nd, 2011, 9:13pm

on Oct 22nd, 2011, 7:49pm, David Williams wrote:
I'd say that 2x may be just about sufficient for 2D bitmap-based games.

When you did the previous test it was the straight lines which seemed to be the most critical - probably because the aliasing is periodic and therefore particularly noticeable. Might it be worth incorporating some filled polygons as well as the circles?

Re: 4x supersampling
Post by David Williams on Oct 23rd, 2011, 4:05pm

on Oct 22nd, 2011, 9:13pm, Richard Russell wrote:
When you did the previous test it was the straight lines which seemed to be the most critical - probably because the aliasing is periodic and therefore particularly noticeable. Might it be worth incorporating some filled polygons as well as the circles?


I've tried some rotated bitmaps, and 4x supersampling takes reasonably good care of the stray pixels stemming from rounding errors in the largely fixed-point calculations.

My attempt early this morning at translating my BASIC implementation of a generalised supersampler (1x, 2x, 4x, ... etc.) to assembly language resulted in nothing but crashes after an hour or so of bug-hunting. How annoying. I'm starting to hate assembly language.

EDIT: Perseverance often pays off. This time it did, because I've got the code working. Will upload it later for those very few who may be interested.

Re: 4x supersampling
Post by David Williams on Oct 23rd, 2011, 6:47pm

For those it might interest, here's a demo program which draws filled circles on a large bitmap, which is then resized to the dimensions chosen by you. The size of this large 'internal' bitmap is dependent on the dimensions you choose, and the chosen sample size.

Please first try these parameters:

Bitmap width: 640
Bitmap height: 480
Sample size: 8

If your choice of parameters results in memory requirements exceeding 255 MB, then you'll be told to revise your parameters.

If you want to see what the circles look like without supersampling, then enter 1 as the sample size.

I think a fast (optimised), and necessarily MMX-based 2x2 (or even 4x4) supersampler would make a very handy addition to GFXLIB. So I suppose that's next on the agenda. :)

Obviously, this generalised (and in any case totally unoptimised) supersampler is no good for realtime situations such as a game would demand.


The assembler code (very rough around the edges):

      DEF PROC_asm
      LOCAL C%, I%, P%
      DIM C% 511
      FOR I% = 0 TO 2 STEP 2
        P% = C%
        [OPT I%
        ; // ALIGN
        ] : P% = (P% + 31) AND -32 : [OPT I%
        ; Parameters:
        ;     pBm%, pBm2%, bmW%, bmH%, smpSz%
        mov ebp, esp
        sub esp, 128
        ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ; EBP!36 = pBm%
        ; EBP!40 = pBm2%
        ; EBP!44 = bmW%
        ; EBP!48 = bmH%
        ; EBP!52 = smpSz%
        ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        ; calc. smpSzSq% = smpSz%^2
        mov eax, [ebp + 52]
        imul eax, eax
        mov [esp + 0], eax                  ; ESP!0  =  smpSz%^2  = smpSzSq%
        ; Set FPU rounding mode to ''Truncate''
        xor eax, eax
        mov DWORD [esp + 8], &00000000
        fstcw [esp + 8]
        mov ax, [esp + 8]
        and ax, &F3FF
        or ax, &C00
        mov [esp + 8], ax
        fldcw [esp + 8]
        ; calc. S% = 65536 * (1.0 / smpSzSq%)
        push 65536
        fild DWORD [esp]                    ; st0 = 65536
        fld1                                ; st0 = 1.0,  st1 = 65536
        fidiv DWORD [esp + (0 +4)]          ; st0 = 1.0 / smpSzSq%,  st1 = 65536
        fmul                                ; st0 = 65536 * (1.0 / smpSzSq%)
        fistp DWORD [esp + (4 +4)]          ;
        add esp, 4                          ; ESP!4  =  S%
        ; Calc. bm2W% and bm2H%
        ; Where bm2W% = smpSz% * bmW%
        ;       bm2H% = smpSz% * bmH%
        mov eax, [ebp + 44]                 ; bmW%
        mov ebx, [ebp + 48]                 ; bmH%
        imul eax, [ebp + 52]                ; bmW% * smpSz%  =  bm2W%
        imul ebx, [ebp + 52]                ; bmH% * smpSz%  =  bm2H%
        mov [esp + 12], eax                 ; ESP!12  =  bm2W%
        mov [esp + 16], ebx                 ; ESP!16  =  bm2H%
        ; Calc. rowBytesLen% = 4 * bm2W%
        shl eax, 2                          ; = 4 * bm2W%
        mov [esp + 20], eax                 ; ESP!20  =  rowBytesLen%
        ; Calc. bmW%-1 and bmH%-1
        mov eax, [ebp + 44]                 ; bmW%
        mov ebx, [ebp + 48]                 ; bmH%
        sub eax, 1                          ; bmW% - 1
        sub ebx, 1                          ; bmH% - 1
        mov [esp + 24], eax                 ; ESP!24  =  bmW%-1
        mov [esp + 28], ebx                 ; ESP!28  =  bmH%-1
        ; Calc. rowBytesLen%*smpSz%
        mov eax, [esp + 20]                 ; rowBytesLen%
        imul eax, [ebp + 52]                ; rowBytesLen% * smpSz%
        mov [esp + 32], eax                 ; ESP!32  =  rowBytesLen% * smpSz%
        ; Calc. 4*smpSz%
        mov eax, [ebp + 52]                 ; smpSz%
        shl eax, 2                          ; 4*smpSz%
        mov [esp + 36], eax                 ; ESP!36  =  4*smpSz%
        ; So far, we have:
        ;     ESP!0  =  smpSzSq%
        ;     ESP!4  =  S% (= 65536 * 1.0/SmpSzSq%)
        ;     ESP!8  =  ...
        ;     ESP!12 =  bm2W%
        ;     ESP!16 =  bm2H%
        ;     ESP!20 =  rowBytesLen%
        ;     ESP!24 =  bmW% - 1
        ;     ESP!28 =  bmH% - 1
        ;     ESP!32 =  rowBytesLen% * smpSz%
        ;     ESP!36 =  4 * smpSz%
        mov eax, [ebp + 36]                ; EAX = pBm
        mov ebx, [ebp + 40]                ; EBX = pBm2
        mov DWORD [esp + 44], 0            ; ESP!44  =  Y-loop control variable (Y%)
        .supersample_yLoop%                ; Y-loop control var goes from 0 to bmH%-1
        mov DWORD [esp + 40], 0            ; ESP!40  =  X-loop control variable (X%)
        .supersample_xLoop%                ; X-loop control var goes from 0 to bmW%-1
        ; Calc. O% = (rowBytesLen% * smpSz% * Y%) + (4 * smpSz% * X%)
        mov edi, [esp + 32]                ; EDI = rowBytesLen% * smpSz%
        mov esi, [esp + 36]                ; ESI = 4 * smpSz%
        imul edi, [esp + 44]               ; EDI = rowBytesLen% * smpSz% * Y%
        imul esi, [esp + 40]               ; ESI = 4 * smpSz% * X%
        add edi, esi                       ; EDI = (rowBytesLen% * smpSz% * Y%) + (4 * smpSz% * X%) = O%
        ; ESP!48  =  red sum (rSum%)
        ; ESP!52  =  green sum (gSum%)
        ; ESP!56  =  blue sum (bSum% )
        mov DWORD [esp + 48], 0            ; init. rSum% = 0
        mov DWORD [esp + 52], 0            ; init. gSum% = 0
        mov DWORD [esp + 56], 0            ; init. bSum% = 0
        xor esi, esi                       ; inner Y-loop counter (y%) (goes from 0 to smpSz%-1)
        push esi                           ; preserve ESI (inner Y-loop counter)
        xor esi, esi                       ; inner X-loop counter (x%) (goes from 0 to smpSz%-1)
        ; EAX = pBm
        ; EBX = pBm2
        ; EDI = O%
        ; ESI = x%
        ; Calc. O2% = O% + 4*x%
        push esi                           ; preserve ESI (x%)
        shl esi, 2                         ; 4 * x%
        add esi, edi                       ; O% + 4*x% = O2%
        movzx ecx, BYTE [ebx + esi + 0]    ; load blue byte (blueVal)
        add [esp + (56 +8)], ecx           ; bSum% += blueVal
        movzx ecx, BYTE [ebx + esi + 1]    ; load green byte (greenVal)
        add [esp + (52 +8)], ecx           ; gSum% += greenVal
        movzx ecx, BYTE [ebx + esi + 2]    ; load red byte (redVal)
        add [esp + (48 +8)], ecx           ; rSum% += redVal
        pop esi
        add esi, 1                         ; x% += 1
        cmp esi, [ebp + 52]                ; x% > smpSz%-1 ?
        jl supersample_innerXloop%
        add edi, [esp + (20 +4)]           ; O% += rowBytesLen%
        pop esi                            ; ESI = y%
        add esi, 1                         ; y% += 1
        cmp esi, [ebp + 52]                ; y% > smpSz%-1 ?
        jl supersample_innerYloop%
        ; Calc. 4*(Y%*bmW% + X%)
        mov esi, [esp + 44]                ; Y%
        imul esi, [ebp + 44]               ; Y%*bmW%
        add esi, [esp + 40]                ; Y%*bmW% + X%
        shl esi, 2                         ; 4*(bmW% + X%)
        ; Write averaged red, green, blue values to bm1
        mov edx, [esp + 4]                 ; EDX = S% (= 65536 * 1.0/SmpSzSq%)
        mov ecx, [esp + 48]                ; ECX = rSum%
        imul ecx, edx
        shr ecx, 16
        mov [eax + esi + 2], cl
        mov ecx, [esp + 52]                ; ECX = gSum%
        imul ecx, edx
        shr ecx, 16
        mov [eax + esi + 1], cl
        mov ecx, [esp + 56]                ; ECX = bSum%
        imul ecx, edx
        shr ecx, 16
        mov [eax + esi + 0], cl
        mov edx, [ebp + 44]                ; EDX = bmW%
        add DWORD [esp + 40], 1            ; X += 1
        cmp DWORD [esp + 40], edx          ; X < bmW% ?
        jl near supersample_xLoop%
        mov edx, [ebp + 48]                ; EDX = bmH%
        add DWORD [esp + 44], 1            ; Y += 1
        cmp DWORD [esp + 44], edx          ; Y < bmH% ?
        jl near supersample_yLoop%
        add esp, 128
        ret 20
      NEXT I%