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Topic: Marching On ! (Read 624 times) |
Re: Marching On !
« Reply #1 on: May 7th, 2014, 08:23am » |
on May 7th, 2014, 03:40am, hitsware wrote: |
Yes, I am on your side in that argument, but I'm afraid 'audiophiles' often disbelieve what the mathematics tells them! Perhaps the BBC BASIC code will be more convincing - you could have drawn a graph as well as listing the results as a table:
Code: volts = 10
outputZ = 8
FOR load = 1 TO 20
allZ = load + outputZ
I = volts / allZ
pout = (I ^ 2) * load
PRINT "load="; load TAB(10) "pout="; pout
DRAW load * 20, pout * 50
NEXT load Richard.
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Re: Marching On !
« Reply #2 on: May 7th, 2014, 7:11pm » |
Thanks ! I had no idea graphing was so simple.
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Re: Marching On !
« Reply #5 on: May 31st, 2014, 02:18am » |
REM: This sorta works as is ....... REM: The tuning is BB4W but the just REM: to BB4W interpreter at least allows REM: the ' spirit ' of Just Intonation !
*TEMPO 133
DIM c%(3), d%(3), m%(3)
REM:Key(K%) A(76) C(40) D(48) E(56) G(68) K% = 40
ENVELOPE 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,000,0,-001,120,0 ENVELOPE 2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,000,0,-002,090,0 ENVELOPE 3,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,000,0,-003,090,0 ENVELOPE 4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,-40,0,0000,127,0 ENVELOPE 5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,000,000,0,0000,000,0
FOR x%=0 TO 3: READ c%(x%): NEXT x% FOR x%=0 TO 3: READ m%(x%): NEXT x% FOR x%=0 TO 3: READ d%(x%): NEXT x%
DATA 8,6,9,6, 2,4,3,4 DATA 5,5,4,5
REPEAT FOR x%=0 TO 3: FOR y%=0 TO 3 r%=RND(3): j%=c%(x%)*m%(y%)*(2^r%) n%=K%+(LOG(j%/40)*(48/LOG(2))) SOUND 0,d%(y%),120,5 ON r% PROC_LOW,PROC_MID,PROC_HI NEXT y%: NEXT x% UNTIL FALSE: END
DEFPROC_LOW SOUND 0001,1,n%,1: SOUND 4097,5,0,4 SOUND 4098,5,00,5: SOUND 4099,5,0,5 ENDPROC DEFPROC_MID SOUND 0002,2,n%,1: SOUND 4098,5,0,4 SOUND 4097,5,00,5: SOUND 4099,5,0,5 ENDPROC DEFPROC_HI SOUND 0003,3,n%,1: SOUND 4099,1,0,4 SOUND 4097,5,00,5: SOUND 4098,5,0,5 ENDPROC