BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Sound, Music and Video >> Making a voice with ENVELOPE

Making a voice with ENVELOPE
Post by michael on Jun 13th, 2016, 3:43pm

Anyone have ideas on how I could develop a computer voice with ENVELOPE? I tried to do that back in the 80s with fast PLAY commands.
Anyone have ideas?

Here is a link that should help

I just came up with an idea.. I am on it!!
Re: Making a voice with ENVELOPE
Post by michael on Jun 13th, 2016, 7:04pm

rave music experimentation
 REM SOUND  channel,volume,pitch,duration    
        SOUND RND(1),-5,RND(5),1
        SOUND RND(1),-2,RND(20),1
        SOUND RND(1),-15,RND(20),1
        SOUND 0,-1,RND(10),1
       REM  mouse b : 1 - right button 4 - left button       
     MOUSE x,y,b
      UNTIL b=4

hmmm.... intresting
      REM SOUND  channel,volume,pitch,duration
        SOUND RND(1),-15+RND(15),RND(5),1
        REM  mouse b : 1 - right button 4 - left button
        MOUSE x,y,b
      UNTIL b=4