BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Re: First ever mainstream computer game

Re: First ever mainstream computer game
Post by TobyWhaymand on Dec 22nd, 2013, 11:09pm

I will add details in the few days time. At the moment it's really late and I'm tired. The code was adapted for the original BBC Micro back in the early 80's (The code works on BeepEm perfectly) I think the code needs some miner adjustments to run on BBC BASIC for Windows because of the more updated code that BB4W uses.
Re: First ever mainstream computer game
Post by admin on Dec 23rd, 2013, 12:01am

on Dec 22nd, 2013, 11:04pm, TobyWhaymand wrote:
I would like to post this code on here for archival, historical reasons.

There is nothing particularly 'original' about the code that you listed (clearly not, as it's a BBC BASIC version!) and certainly there's no need to record it for 'archival' purposes since versions can be found in many places, for example:

Anyway this forum is entirely unsuited to that function.


P.S. I had to delete the listing because the long lines were mucking up the display of the entire thread. When listing code in a forum message always use [code] tags, that's what they're for!

Re: First ever mainstream computer game
Post by admin on Dec 23rd, 2013, 4:02pm

on Dec 22nd, 2013, 11:09pm, TobyWhaymand wrote:
I think the code needs some miner adjustments to run on BBC BASIC for Windows

The BBC BASIC version 'strek' at the link I gave does (on a quick check) seem to run OK in BB4W, so long as the typo in line 2660 is corrected:

Does that version differ significantly from the one you tried?


Re: First ever mainstream computer game
Post by dynamic35 on Apr 17th, 2014, 7:35pm

There are 2000 game gurus competing also a team we sponsor (with my wife) with speed less than 7.5 s/rev.