BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Libraries >> How to use FNfindreplace How to use FNfindreplace
Post by yshua on Mar 15th, 2012, 01:06am
Dear Richard: After the, "INSTALL @lib$+"STRINGLIB.BBC"" line, the following lines, text$ = "The quick brown fox" num% = FNfindreplace(text$, "brown", "silver", 0) PRINT text$, gave the following error, "NO SUCH FN/PROC".
am still learning the BBC BASIC ropes, without many programming examples of how to use PROC's and FN's with libraries....
Please avoid stressing over such a minor question, Yshua Re: How to use FNfindreplace
Post by admin on Mar 15th, 2012, 09:04am
Although it's not a universal rule, PROC and FN names in libraries frequently begin with an underscore to reduce the likelihood of 'clashing' with a user function.