BBC BASIC for Windows
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Promoting BB4W
Post by Michael Hutton on May 22nd, 2009, 11:32am

Why not ask Dell to ship a demo version with every new computer they ship?

Re: Promoting BB4W
Post by 19Grumpah42 on Sep 3rd, 2009, 06:17am

Perhaps if this web site would let me post my 65x65 pixel .gif avatar, there would be a rush from across the oceans, everybody would be so eager to join the club! cheesy
As it is, I can see my .gif file from an http connection, from a vnc connection, from an ftp connection, but apparently I cannot get it into my personal profile. Any answers anybody (it's only conceit of course).
--G tongue
Re: Promoting BB4W
Post by JonR on Sep 6th, 2009, 1:35pm

Take a look at the URL you've entered for your avatar, perhaps try loading it into a browser:


You've got www/ instead of www., try the following instead to get it working:
Re: Promoting BB4W
Post by Ken Down on May 16th, 2010, 9:24pm

I'm teaching a 6-week course in programming ("Take Control of your Computer") at my local community centre. Only two turned up, but I think they'll be buying at the end of the course.