install @lib$+"WINLIB2" BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON = &1 CB_ADDSTRING = &143 CB_SETCURSEL = &14E CBS_DROPDOWNLIST = &3 ES_AUTOHSCROLL = &80 ES_NUMBER = &2000 LB_ADDSTRING = &180 LB_GETCURSEL = &188 UDM_SETRANGE = &465 UDS_ALIGNRIGHT = &4 UDS_AUTOBUDDY = &10 UDS_SETBUDDYINT = &2 WS_CHILD = &40000000 WS_GROUP = &20000 WS_VISIBLE = &10000000 rem dlg%=fn_newdialog("NonStock", 40, 40, 270, 135, 10, 650) rem proc_groupbox(dlg%, "Cutting Modes", 0, 4, 4, 152, 96, WS_GROUP) dlg%=fn_newdialog("NonStock Tubing", 20, 20, 170, 128, 9, 600) proc_groupbox(dlg%, "Group box", 0, 4, 4, 152, 120, WS_GROUP) proc_editbox(dlg%, "Enter OD", 101, 12, 20, 64, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL) proc_editbox(dlg%, "Enter ID", 102, 82, 20, 64, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL) proc_editbox(dlg%, "Enter Wall", 103, 12, 40, 64, 12, ES_AUTOHSCROLL) rem proc_listbox(dlg%, "Select", 104, 82, 40, 64, 48, 0) rem proc_listbox(dlg%, "Info", 104, 2, 2, 220, 110, 0) proc_combobox(dlg%, "", 104, 82, 40, 64, 48, CBS_DROPDOWNLIST) sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Butyrate 560" sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Butyrate FDA" sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Provista" sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Provista UVA" sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Butyrate Colored" sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Provista Colored" sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, CB_ADDSTRING, 0, "Polycarbonate" proc_radiobutton(dlg%, "Del quoteFile", 105, 12, 64, 64, 10, 0) proc_radiobutton(dlg%, "Keep quoteFile", 106, 12, 82, 64, 10, 0) proc_pushbutton(dlg%, "OK", 1, 12, 108, 56, 14, WS_GROUP or BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON) proc_pushbutton(dlg%, "Cancel", 2, 92, 108, 56, 14, 0) proc_showdialog(dlg%) on close proc_closedialog(dlg%):quit on error proc_closedialog(dlg%):print'report$:end Click%=0 on sys Click% = @wparam% : return repeat wait 1 click%=0 swap Click%, click% until click%=1 or click%=2 or !dlg%=0 if click%=1 then print "OK pressed, settings were:"' dim text% 255 sys "GetDlgItemText", !dlg%, 101, text%, 255 print " OD Text box contained """$$text%"""" od=val($$text%) rem SYS "GetDlgItemInt", !dlg%, 102, 0 ,FALSE TO id% sys "GetDlgItemText", !dlg%, 102, text%,255 print " ID is """$$text%"""" rem Text box contained """$$text2%"""" id = val($$text%) rem print "Number box contained ";Val% sys "GetDlgItemText", !dlg%, 103, text%, 255 print "Combobox selection was """$$text%"""" print " WALL Text box contained """$$text%"""" wall=val($$text%) sys "SendDlgItemMessage", !dlg%, 104, LB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0 to sel% print "Listbox selection index was ";sel% sys "IsDlgButtonChecked", !dlg%, 105 to rb1% if rb1% then R%=fn_delfile("busadafiles\Quotation.dat") rem OSCLI "del busadafiles\quotation.dat"; PRINT "Quotation file deleted." else print "Keep Quotation File" endif sys "IsDlgButtonChecked", !dlg%, 107 to cb% if cb% print "Checkbox was checked" else print "Checkbox was not checked" else print "Cancel pressed" endif proc_closedialog(dlg%)