BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Operating System >> [Ann] DLL Function Importer v1.00
[Ann] DLL Function Importer v1.00
Post by JonR on Aug 22nd, 2009, 1:17pm
It is my pleasure to announce a new release of my 'DLL Function
Importer' tool for BBC BASIC for Windows programmers. Important changes
in version 1.00 are direct loading of DLL files and saving tokenised BBC
BASIC files.
The DLL Function Importer is an essential productivity enhancing tool
for BBC BASIC for Windows programmers which provides a lot of power from
a simple interface. With DLLImport you can quickly start working with
any DLL that provides user accessible functions from within your BBC
BASIC for Windows programs.
DLLImport will write all code required to load, setup and import
functions from any DLL and saves a BBC BASIC PROCedure that you can
incorporate into your programs or use as the basis of a library.
Optionally DLLImport will create a complete shell library ready to be
customised for your particular needs. With only a few mouse clicks you
can create hundreds, or thousands of lines of BBC BASIC code.
Full instructions are included on the website and in the download.
DLLImport can be downloaded from
DLLImport incorporates software written by Nir Sofer.
DLL Export Viewer is (C) Nir Sofer 2005