BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Suggestion Box >> Interact betwen bbcbasic 4w and python programes

Interact betwen bbcbasic 4w and python programes
Post by yee on Jun 27th, 2014, 3:56pm

there are significant amount scientific math and graph ploting prgram writen in python

- It would be nice if there are librarie (or stardar protocol/dll(? ) for easy interface between Python and BBC4W programs

Re: Interact betwen bbcbasic 4w and python program
Post by rtr on Jun 27th, 2014, 4:45pm

on Jun 27th, 2014, 3:56pm, yee wrote:
It would be nice if there are librarie (or stardar protocol/dll(? ) for easy interface between Python and BBC4W programs

I know very little about Python, but I would expect that most Inter-Process Communication (IPC) techniques would be applicable for interfacing between the two languages. Look up 'Inter-Process Communication' on MSDN (I don't have the URL handy).
