BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Operating System >> Edit control with Unicode-only language Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 1st, 2011, 2:04pm
I am making a text editor for 'foreign' languages.
The example TEXTEDIT.BBC does work with say Russian or Hebrew. These languages have ANSI equivalents, so no problem. I can type in Persian, a right-to-left language, - it works fine!
BUT I am working with Tajik - Tajik is a language that uses characters which have a Unicode encoding, but do not exist in any ANSI codepage (i.e. there was never a standardized legacy encoding for these characters).
I can PASTE Tajik text into the box - it displays no problem - but I cannot TYPE text into the box (as I easily can on say Notepad/Word)
Can you point me in the right direction on how to initialise the edit control so that it displays the Unicode characters directly without 'ANSI issues'?
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 1st, 2011, 4:05pm
I can PASTE Tajik text into the box - it displays no problem - but I cannot TYPE text into the box (as I easily can on say Notepad/Word)
Have you tried using a RichEdit Control rather than the regular Edit Control? That might be all that is required, but possibly you'll also need to use a Unicode RichEdit Control (class name RichEdit20W) for it to accept the Tajik input from the keyboard.
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 1st, 2011, 6:30pm
Have you tried using a RichEdit Control rather than the regular Edit Control? That might be all that is required, but possibly you'll also need to use a Unicode RichEdit Control (class name RichEdit20W) for it to accept the Tajik input from the keyboard.
Sorry, I didn't explain. My code (unlike TEXTEDIT.BBC) is a rich edit control:
Snippet showing Rich Edit initialisation code (especially bit in pink):
INSTALL @lib$+"WINLIB5A" DIM CHARFORMAT{cbSize%, \ \ dwMask%, \ \ dwEffects%, \ \ yHeight%, \ \ yOffset%, \ \ crTextColor%, \ \ bCharSet&, \ \ bPitchAndFamily&, \ \ szFaceName&(31), \ \ padding&(1) } fontsize% = 32 fontname$ = "Microsoft sans serif" bckgrdcolour% = &FFFFFF : REM off white textcolour% = &000000 : REM White SYS "LoadLibrary", "Msftedit.dll" TO hRichEditDLL% IF hRichEditDLL%=0 THEN ERROR 100,"Failed to load Msftedit.dll" id_richedit% = 100 hRichEdit% = FN_createwindow(@hwnd%, \ \ "RichEdit50W", \ \ "", \ \ 0, \ \ 0, \ \, \ \ @vdu.tb%, \ \ id_richedit%, \ \ WS_BORDER OR ES_MULTILINE, \ \ 0 )
CHARFORMAT.crTextColor% = textcolour%
REM Set Richedit font
CHARFORMAT.cbSize% = DIM(CHARFORMAT{}) CHARFORMAT.dwMask% = CFM_BOLD OR CFM_ITALIC OR CFM_UNDERLINE OR \ \ CFM_STRIKEOUT OR CFM_FACE OR CFM_COLOR OR CFM_SIZE CHARFORMAT.dwEffects% = CFE_BOLD OR CFE_UNDERLINE OR CFE_ITALIC CHARFORMAT.yHeight% = fontsize%*20 CHARFORMAT.szFaceName&() = fontname$ SYS "SendMessage", hRichEdit%, EM_SETCHARFORMAT, SCF_ALL, CHARFORMAT{} SYS "SetWindowText", hRichEdit%, "This is some initial text" SYS "SetWindowText", @hwnd%, "Tajik text box test"
Any other possibilities?
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 1st, 2011, 9:22pm
I'm surprised if a Unicode edit control isn't accepting the keyboard input, when Notepad is. As far as I'm aware Notepad is basically an edit control wrapped in a fairly minimal supporting application.
You might want to check out the EM_SETLANGOPTIONS message to see if there's something you need to configure there:
Two of its flags affect whether or not the control accepts Unicode. TM_RICHTEXT and TM_MULTICODEPAGE
Of the latter it says:
"The control allows multiple code pages and Unicode text into the control. This is the default setting."
So I tried an experiment. Right at the end of the code which initialises the Rich Edit control, I put the following:
TM_MULTICODEPAGE = 32 TM_RICHTEXT = 2 TMflags%= TM_MULTICODEPAGE OR TM_RICHTEXT SYS "SendMessage", hRichEdit%, WM_SETTEXT, 0, "" SYS "SendMessage", hRichEdit%, EM_SETTEXTMODE,TMflags%,0 TO TMset% PRINT TAB(80,0);"Settextmode result= ";TMset%;" Value sent= ";TMflags% SYS "SendMessage", hRichEdit%, EM_GETTEXTMODE,0,0 TO TMreturned% PRINT TAB(80,1);"Gextmode=";TMreturned%;
It says that the control must have no text when EM_SETTEXTMODE is called. If I send the empty string as above then TMset% comes back zero. The docs say this indicates that the TEXTMODE has been successfully set. If I simply insert a character into the string passed to SETTEXT, then SETTEXTMODE returns non-zero - indicating it failed. So it seems to be working...
BUT the following call to get back the TEXTMODE ALSO returns 0!!
In other words, it thinks it has set my choice, but the control does not return my choice when asked immediately afterwards.
I had thought that using CHARFORMAT2 (instead of the existing CHARFORMAT) structure might make the control ignore the instruction, so I upgraded the code to include CHARFORMAT2 - it makes no difference.
The control is still not accepting Unicode-only characters.
Have you tried using an earlier version of the RichEdit control? If you don't specifically need the features only available in RichEdit50W you might have more success with an older version.
Richard. Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 5th, 2011, 9:51pm
Do you check the value of hRichEditDLL% in your code, to confirm the DLL is being loaded successfully?
IF hRichEditDLL%=0 THEN ERROR 100,"Failed to load RICHED20.DLL"
Have you tried using an earlier version of the RichEdit control?
Yes - no difference.
P.S. The behaviour is easily demonstrable - although I am working in Tajik, it shows up on 'standard' windows languages.
Use "Regional and language" in Win XP to install Tatar.
Then open notepad and type "QWERTY" - do the same in what you believe to be a rich edit control. You will get question marks for some characters.
The strange thing is that it PASTES unicode no problem...even right-to-left like Persian...
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 6th, 2011, 08:12am
The strange thing is that it PASTES unicode no problem...even right-to-left like Persian...
As it's keyboard-specific it sounds as though the problem may be related to the IME rather than to the RichEdit control itself. I think you probably need to start asking for help on a Microsoft forum.
The top man as far as internationalisation issues are concerned is Michael Kaplan. His blog is here:
As it's keyboard-specific it sounds as though the problem may be related to the IME rather than to the RichEdit control itself. I think you probably need to start asking for help on a Microsoft forum.
Yes, that sounds very likely.
Thanks for the excellent pointer to this blog - I will read it!
I did have a thought: we know that notepad works perfectly. It should be able to find out the handle for the main edit control, and then read off the various structures that can affect text optionbs (like CHARFORMAT etc).
Either way, I have options.
The good news is that I am decreasingly making mistakes with BBC4W syntax and increasingly finding answers in the Winapi docs - must be progress!
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 13th, 2011, 4:58pm
RECAP: typing unicode characters which have no legacy code page equivalent into a rich edit control yields "?" characters.
[By the way, you can take out any issues from the fact it is my application. Just build a rich edit control as per the example on the Wiki (minimalist code at the end), then type "qwerty" into is using the "Tatar" language. You will get the odd "?". Then try it in notepad - flawless....PASTE from notepad - flawless...]
I have done more work on this problem before posting this. In fact I have spent over two DAYS reading up on Unicode controls etc. Eventually I found a Russian programmer on the forum. In one interchange he described the problem I am experiencing. This is that although the rich edit control is indeed fully unicode aware, and I can paste unicode in no problem, and sniffing the data shows it to be unicode data, when I TYPE into the control (say in the Tatar language), I get some characters in the control as "?" (i.e. &3F00).
There is one contributor - a Russian guy ("Antariy") - who seems to be pretty clued up. I have had some correspondence with him and he has helped me to understand a little better where the problem may lie.
What is needed is for "the system" to pass unicode to the edit control as pure unicode, and NOT pass them through the 'thunking' that involves going to code pages and back again.
I am not a programmer, nor particularly experienced with BBC4W, but I want to respectfully ask this question:
is it possible that "something" about the BBC main app window (inside which my edit control is embedded) forces "the system" to route KBD input through the code-page-thunking even though the control itself is unicode aware?
(I could PM you with the correspondence he sent if you like)
It is so exasperating because in every other respect BBC4W is *brilliant* and exactly what people like me need. But if in fact there is something about which the user has no control (the initialisation of the main window) that prevents a rich edit control working with unicode as it should do, then it is a great shame...
is it possible that "something" about the BBC main app window (inside which my edit control is embedded) forces "the system" to route KBD input through the code-page-thunking even though the control itself is unicode aware?
The only possibility I can think of is that the Unicode Edit Control is somehow behaving differently because it knows it's been called from an ANSI application. Why it should I don't know (I would probably call it a bug) but you can try creating the control by calling CreateWindowExW rather than CreateWindowExA.
But if in fact there is something about which the user has no control
Ultimately you can always regain 'control'. In a worst-case scenario it would only be necessary to write a thin Unicode wrapper which opened the Edit Control. Your BBC BASIC program could then communicate with the wrapper and, hey presto, the Edit Control thinks it's being accessed from a Unicode application!
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 13th, 2011, 10:44pm
The only possibility I can think of is that the Unicode Edit Control is somehow behaving differently because it knows it's been called from an ANSI application.[Why it should I don't know
Thank you for the honest reply!! I thought it was just me being thick. Please indulge my inexperience, but when I use FN_createwindow(), my edit control is then subclassed to the main app window (@hwnd%) - right?
What effect does this have on the message chain for keyboard related messages? Do they get sent to the main app window and then passed to the edit control?
Presumably that is something that happens within the runtime generated windproc for the main window. I further presume that it is @hwnd% that decides how to handle keydown messages etc and is therefore responsible for the undesirable thunking - right?
Or if it simply passes the keydown etc message on to the control, maybe it is not passing the messages wide - so the edit control thinks it is being sent ansi, not unicode?
Of course if the edit control has focus and keydown messages are sent directly to the edit control, the above is rubbish!
(I would probably call it a bug) but you can try creating the control by calling CreateWindowExW rather than CreateWindowExA.
The Russian guy did suggest this, and I changed WINLIB5 so that ALL the system functions in FN_createwindow were wide. The app still worked....and still gave me question marks!
Ultimately you can always regain 'control'. In a worst-case scenario it would only be necessary to write a thin Unicode wrapper which opened the Edit Control. Richard.
Forgive me, but do you mean "write a wrapper in something other than BBC4W" - or could I do this in BBC4W?
Any thoughts are very welcome at this stage!
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 14th, 2011, 08:07am
Please indulge my inexperience, but when I use FN_createwindow(), my edit control is then subclassed to the main app window (@hwnd%) - right?
No. What may be misleading you is that, in order to ensure CreateWindowEx is called from the context of the thread containing the message pump, @hwnd% is subclassed very briefly (for microseconds). As soon as the new window has been created the subclassing is undone and everything returns to normal. No subclassing is required for a child window like an Edit Control to work.
Also, don't mix up subclassing the parent window (which is what happens very briefly) with subclassing the Edit Control itself (which was mentioned as an issue in the thread to which you linked and which apparently has to be done using SetWindowLongW).
What effect does this have on the message chain for keyboard related messages? Do they get sent to the main app window and then passed to the edit control?
None and No! Even if the parent window were subclassed it would have no effect either. That's not the way keyboard input works in Windows: the keyboard messages are sent directly to the window which has the focus, not via its parent.
Presumably that is something that happens within the runtime generated windproc for the main window. I further presume that it is @hwnd% that decides how to handle keydown messages etc and is therefore responsible for the undesirable thunking - right?
No, as far as I am aware that is all completely wrong!
Of course if the edit control has focus and keydown messages are sent directly to the edit control, the above is rubbish!
I'm afraid so.
Forgive me, but do you mean "write a wrapper in something other than BBC4W" - or could I do this in BBC4W?
I meant in something like C. But I would still be very surprised if it was necessary. Let's hope Microsoft hasn't done something really silly (it has happened before!).
One thing you could try would be deliberately to subclass the Edit Control (or to use one of the 'spy' utilities) to see just what WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages etc. it is receiving when you provide keyboard input. Also, you could try sending what you believe to be the appropriate messages (what are they in the case of the language you are using?) to the Edit Control to see if the behaviour is the same as, or different from, the real keyboard. You might even be able to do something with a keyboard accelerator.
Richard. Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 14th, 2011, 5:09pm
One thing you could try would be deliberately to subclass the Edit Control (or to use one of the 'spy' utilities) to see just what WM_KEYDOWN and WM_CHAR messages etc. it is receiving when you provide keyboard input.
Thank you for your patience Richard. And too for the helpful note about the true nature of the brief subclassing. As I said, a learning curve!
I used Winspector to trap the WM_CHAR messages. One of the letters that shows the thunking problem is the letter "W" when typed in Tatar.
Winspector shows the WM_CHAR results for this key press:
wParam: 0x000004e9 iParam: 0x00110001
This is the correct unicode, I should get a "ө" but I get a "?"
Then I changed the code to 'manually' send a WM_CHAR message with precisely the same parameters to the edit control after it was initialised. It works! I get a "ө"
I am not sure where that leaves me. I think the Russian guy is saying that for some reason that is not clear, if you have a unicode control that was created by an ANSI window, it reverts to the code-page thunking... (He seemed to suggest it showed most in Windows XP, but my win 7 machine also gives the dreaded "?" in the control.)
I have asked him to write his explanation in Russian and I will get it translated for here.
Any other ideas in the mean time?
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 14th, 2011, 10:32pm
I think the Russian guy is saying that for some reason that is not clear, if you have a unicode control that was created by an ANSI window, it reverts to the code-page thunking...
How is he suggesting the Edit Control is even aware that it was created by an ANSI application? If it is created by calling CreateWindowExA then, fine, it is reasonable for it to assume it was created by an ANSI app. But if it is created by calling CreateWindowExW, which I understand you have already tried doing, why would it not think it had been created by a Unicode application?
There's nothing 'magic' about an application being a Unicode app. In a language like 'C' it comes about purely by defining the constant UNICODE, which results in the pre-processor expanding macros and defining function prototypes etc. such that they are applicable to Unicode (so, for example, CreateWindowEx is expanded by the pre-processor to CreateWindowExA if UNICODE is not defined and to CreateWindowExW if UNICODE is defined).
The other thing I don't understand is that you say the Edit Control behaves differently when receiving a WM_CHAR from the keyboard as opposed to receiving a WM_CHAR from you. But how does it know? It's just a message that arrives via its message pump, and such messages don't include any information from which the Edit Control could deduce the source, as far as I know.
If it's the case that you can display the correct character by sending a WM_CHAR message to the control, could you not somehow arrange for all keyboard input to be routed via your code and sent to the Edit Control by that route? I'm not too sure how you'd do that - it would involve hijacking the input focus mechanism somehow - but perhaps it could be accomplished using a keyboard accelerator.
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 15th, 2011, 06:02am
How is he suggesting the Edit Control is even aware that it was created by an ANSI application?
Hello Richard,
Phew - this is proving interesting. I have pushed him on this point. He did TWO things. Firstly he explained in more detail:
"Main window do not subclassed controls, yes. It just contains them. BUT, the point is: message pump, which servicing main window - servicing all the windows in thread. Windows controls are all windows. I.e., message pump servicing not only main window, it servicing messages from all the windows in thread - from main window, from edit box, from RichEdit, from buttons etc etc.
And, if message pump is not Unicode-aware, there is have a place thunking between intermixed content. Even if some window (main window or child-control - have no difference) is Unicode aware, Unicode created etc, it will not support some Unicode features, like keyboard input, because ASCII-APIs message pump is not ready to get and translate and service such input. In this case Unicode will be converted to ASCII, non-ACP (non system language codepage) chars will be dropped to "?", and then, if target window is Unicode, char will be converted again to Unicode, but it will already be just "?'..."
Secondly, to back up his point, he knocked up a very basic edit control/dialogue app in Power BASIC and compiled it and sent it to me. It too displays precisely the same shortcoming with my Tatar input.
Then he hacked his own EXECUTABLE, changed just three bytes, and it worked *PERFECTLY* in any non-code paged language (such as my desired Tajik).
What were the three bytes? Here is his explanation:
"I'll try to write small example app. I'll use PowerBASIC v.9 compiler, and its runtime dialogs creation. Yes, I'll use runtime specially, because it does not support Unicode as well, message pump of runtime is ASCII. I'll compile the program, and this EXE would be usual EXE with standard runtime, and it will not fully support Unicode. And, I'll make a copy of executable with only 3 bytes changed in it: I'll replace ending "A" to "W" in 3 functions only - main functions servising message pump: PeekMessage IsDialogMessage DispatchMessage
Second, patched executable will support full range of Unicode input, at least on WinXP. You can make binary comparsion "fc /b ..." and see, than executables differents only by 3 bytes."
So to the extent he backed up his understanding with working code, to that extent he seems to have the right understanding. I think he is basically saying that the inherent "ANSIness" of the main window predisposes what he calls the 'message pump' for the thread NOT to correctly handle unicode messaging., even if the thread subsequently creates fully unicode aware controls.
Anyway, he offered to do the same with a simple BBC BASIC programme and make my app work by hacking YOUR runtime generated code!
By the way the source of the Power Basic programme he sent is below - it too uses W for dialogue creation.
If you want to play with his small executables (only 20K each) let me know. And I will keep you posted on the results of his BBC4W hack...
Thanks Richard
************** SOURCE in Power Basic *********
'######### get the buffer for text, Unicode - 2 bytes per char
'this can be CONTROL SEND runtime statement, but I using this to 'be more clear - CONTROL SEND is just a wrapper around SendDlgItemMessage call dw=SendDlgItemMessage(CBHNDL,1000,%WM_GETTEXTLENGTH,0,0) buff=SPACE$(dw*2+2) GetDlgItemTextW(CBHNDL,1000,BYVAL STRPTR(buff),dw+1) MessageBoxW(CBHNDL,BYVAL STRPTR(buff),$NUL+$NUL,0) END SELECT
DIALOG FONT "Arial",14,0,1
CONTROL ADD BUTTON,hDlg,1001,"Message text out",10,120,100,10
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 15th, 2011, 08:04am
Yes, I did think after posting my last reply that your keyboard messages were still passing through BB4W's message pump. There are two reasons why I ruled that out as a cause:
You said that when you sent a WM_CHAR message to the edit control yourself the correct character was displayed. Your messages (so long as sent using PostMessage rather than SendMessage) pass through the pump just the same, so I would have expected you to see the same effect. My belief (since proved incorrect) was that there were not separate A and W versions of GetMessage and DispatchMessage. As a rule different ANSI and Unicode versions of an API only exist when that API is passing text strings in one direction or another, which those do not.As the second of those turns out not to be the case, it leaves the first to consider. I wonder if you inadvertently called SendMessage rather than PostMessage, thereby invalidating your experiment?
Anyway, the good news is that if the issue is related to the Unicode-ness of the message pump that is easily sorted. BB4W dialogue boxes (created in the WINLIB2 library) use their own private message pump (in order to permit calling the IsDialogMessage API which BB4W doesn't) and there's absolutely no reason why your Edit Control shouldn't use its own message pump too, calling GetMessageW and DispatchMessageW, if it is beneficial.
Anyway, he offered to do the same with a simple BBC BASIC programme and make my app work by hacking YOUR runtime generated code!
Please ask him not to do that. It's unnecessary, and wouldn't provide a solution which you could deploy with any confidence.
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 15th, 2011, 09:11am
I wonder if you inadvertently called SendMessage rather than PostMessage, thereby invalidating your experiment?
Yes indeed I did Richard - sorry.
Anyway, the good news is that if the issue is related to the Unicode-ness of the message pump that is easily sorted. BB4W dialogue boxes (created in the WINLIB2 library) use their own private message pump
I just modified WINLIB2 (as shown at the end) and used it to create a edit control within a dialogue box.
It works *PERFECTLY* - even right-to-left Farsi (Persian)
Thank you SO much again for such an amazingly flexible BASIC - this is really terrific. And thank you too for your responsiveness to these tedious threads! But this is real progress, and I suspect to others also.
So, just to be sure, you are saying that if I make a similar addition to WINLIB5 (for rich edit controls) then I can similarly have a modified message pump?
In which case, my only issue is how to code this - it involves assembly which i am REALLY rusty on - but the Russian guy is sharp - he will doubtless figure it out.
I will tell him not to bother hacking the BBC4W runtime - I never intended it as a long-term solution - just a way of getting him to prove his point. There is no need for that anyway now.
Thank you again Richard,
************** MODIFIED "W" VERSION OF WINLIB2" ***********
REM Dialogue box items: DEF PROC_pushbutton(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50010000:LOCAL class%:class%=&80 DEF PROC_checkbox(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50010003:LOCAL class%:class%=&80 DEF PROC_radiobutton(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%):style%+=&50010009:LOCAL class%:class%=&80 DEF PROC_groupbox(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50000007:LOCAL class%:class%=&80 DEF PROC_editbox(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50810000:LOCAL class%:class%=&81 DEF PROC_static(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50000000:LOCAL class%:class%=&82 DEF PROC_listbox(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50A10003:LOCAL class%:class%=&83 DEF PROC_combobox(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%): style%+=&50210000:LOCAL class%:class%=&85 DEF PROC_dlgitem(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%,class%) LOCAL P%, L% P% = dlg%!12 WHILE (P% AND 3) P% += 1 : ENDWHILE IF (P%+2*LENtext$+26) > dlg%!8 ERROR 0, "No room for dialogue template" : P%!0 = style% P%!4 = 0 P%!8 = (y% << 16) OR x% P%!12 = (cy% << 16) OR cx% P%!16 = &FFFF0000 OR id% P%!20 = class% : SYS "MultiByteToWideChar", 0, 0, text$, -1, P%+22, 65536 TO L% P%!(2*L%+20) = 0 : dlg%!12 = P%+2*L%+24 dlg%!24 += 1 ENDPROC ; REM Display dialogue box: DEF PROC_showdialog(dlg%) : LOCAL H%, I% IF !dlg% <> 0 ENDPROC SYS "CreateThread", 0, 1024, dlg%!4, 0, 0, ^I% TO H% REPEAT SYS "Sleep", 10 : UNTIL !dlg% <> 0 SYS "CloseHandle", H% ENDPROC ; REM Remove dialogue box: DEF PROC_closedialog(dlg%) IF !dlg% = 0 ENDPROC SYS "PostMessageW", !dlg%, 18, 0, 0 REPEAT SYS "Sleep", 10 : UNTIL !dlg% = 0 ENDPROC ; REM Create a new dialogue box: DEF FN_newdialog(title$,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,font%,size%) LOCAL dlg%, msg%, L%, F%, P%, I%, X%, C%, N%, D%, Q%, T%, M% DIM P% 169, msg% 27, dlg% size%-1 WHILE (dlg% AND 3) dlg% += 1 : size% -= 1 : ENDWHILE IF (2*LENtitle$+70) > size% ERROR 0, "No room for dialogue template" : SYS "GetWindowLongW", @hwnd%, -6 TO I% [ OPT 2 .X% push 0 : CALL "PostQuitMessage" : mov eax,1 : ret 16 .C% push dword [esp+16] : push dword [esp+16] : push eax : push @hwnd% : call "SendMessage" cmp word [esp+12], 2 : jz X% ; IDCANCEL .N% mov eax,1 : ret 16 .D% mov eax,[esp+8] : cmp eax,&110 : jz N% : cmp eax,&111 : jz C% xor eax,eax : ret 16 .Q% xchg eax,[dlg%] push eax call "DestroyWindow" ret .T% push 0 ; lParamInit push D% ; lpDialogFunc push @hwnd% ; hWndParemt push dlg%+16 ; lpTemplate push I% ; hInstance call "CreateDialogIndirectParam" mov [dlg%],eax .M% push 0 push 0 push 0 push msg% call "GetMessageW" or eax,eax jz Q% push msg% push dword [dlg%] call "IsDialogMessageW" or eax,eax jnz M% push msg% call "DispatchMessageW" jmps M% ] : dlg%!4 = T% dlg%!8 = dlg%+size% dlg%!16 = &90C800C4 dlg%!20 = 0 dlg%!24 = 0 dlg%!26 = x% dlg%!28 = y% dlg%!30 = cx% dlg%!32 = cy% dlg%!34 = 0 : SYS "MultiByteToWideChar", 0, 0, title$, -1, dlg%+38, 65536 TO L% : dlg%!(2*L%+38) = font% SYS "MultiByteToWideChar", 0, 0, "Arial", -1, dlg%+2*L%+40, 16 TO F% : dlg%!12 = dlg%+2*L%+2*F%+40 = dlg% ; REM Dialogue box control: DEF PROC_dlgctrl(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%,class$) LOCAL L%,T% PROC_dlgitem(dlg%,text$,id%,x%,y%,cx%,cy%,style%,0) T% = dlg%!12-8 IF (T%+2*LENclass$+6) > dlg%!8 ERROR 0, "No room for dialogue template" SYS "MultiByteToWideChar", 0, 0, class$, -1, T%, 256 TO L% dlg%!12 = T%+2*L%+4 ENDPROC
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 15th, 2011, 9:36pm
So, just to be sure, you are saying that if I make a similar addition to WINLIB5 (for rich edit controls) then I can similarly have a modified message pump?
Yes. I may need to code it for you, because it requires a good understanding of assembler code, but it shouldn't be difficult. You will end up with your Edit Control running in a different thread (just as it was when you modified the dialogue box example) but there's no particular disadvantage to that - and if you have the luxury of a multi-core CPU it could actually be beneficial in distributing the load more evenly.
I don't routinely create child controls, toolbars, status bars etc. in their own threads because the code becomes more complicated and there's usually no significant advantage. So I would want to meet your requirements with a dedicated solution rather than modifying WINLIB5 itself to do so. Maybe a WINLIB5B would be appropriate.
Richard. Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by admin on Sep 16th, 2011, 08:06am
WINLIB5W is a Unicode version of the WINLIB5A library (i.e. for maximum flexibility it requires the parent window handle to be specified as the first parameter in each of the 'create window' calls).
Re: Edit control with Unicode-only language
Post by Nick on Sep 16th, 2011, 6:03pm
Just to let you know that WINLIB5W seems to work perfectly on both XP and Win 7.
I have farmed out an exe to friends who work in other languages to test, but I would be surprised if it does not work for them also. The existing version already worked with right-to-left languages (apart from the "?" issue)
Thank you SO much for this speedy response to the issue. This will really help those who wish to write fully unicode enabled appls with BBC4W.
Congratulations on a really great addition to the programme!