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 thread  Author  Topic: Direct3D Rotating Globe  (Read 1412 times)

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Posts: 1145
xx Direct3D Rotating Globe
« Thread started on: Nov 9th, 2013, 1:12pm »

I was requested to do this by the Liberty BASIC folks, so it's only fair to do a BBC BASIC version too (it's much simpler, because it can call upon the D3DLIB library). You will need to download which contains the image world.jpg and the data file sphere.b3d used by the program:

User Image

      REM. Direct3D Rotating Globe in BBC BASIC for Windows
      REM (C) R.T.Russell 2013,

      MODE 8
      DIM l%(0), b%(0), n%(0), f%(0), s%(0), m%(0), t%(0), y(0), p(0), r(0), X(0), Y(0), Z(0), e(2), a(2)

      INSTALL @lib$+"D3DLIB"

      ON CLOSE PROCcleanup:QUIT

      d% = FN_initd3d(@hwnd%, 1, 0)
      IF d% = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't initialise Direct3D"

      b%(0) = FN_load3d(d%, @dir$+"SPHERE.B3D", n%(0), f%(0), s%(0))
      IF b%(0) = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't load SPHERE.B3D"

      t%(0) = FN_loadtexture(d%, @dir$+"WORLD.JPG")
      IF t%(0) = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't load WORLD.JPG"

      e() = 0, 0, -9
      a() = 0, 0, 0
        y() = -TIME/200
        PROC_render(d%, &FF000040, 0, l%(), 1, m%(), t%(), b%(), n%(), f%(), s%(), y(), p(), r(), X(), Y(), Z(), e(), a(), 0.4, 5/4, 1, 1000)
      UNTIL INKEY(1)=0

      DEF PROCcleanup
      b%(0) += 0:IF b%(0) PROC_release(b%(0))
      d% += 0   :IF d%    PROC_release(d%)

« Last Edit: Nov 9th, 2013, 3:36pm by admin » User IP Logged


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Posts: 1145
xx Re: Direct3D Rotating Globe
« Reply #1 on: Nov 10th, 2013, 2:44pm »

Adding a directional light, and tilting the earth's axis of rotation, gives a more interesting (and accurate) result. To ensure the 'terminator' (transition from light to shadow) is acceptably smooth I have increased the number of triangles from 512 to 2048:

      REM. Direct3D Rotating Globe in BBC BASIC for Windows
      REM (C) R.T.Russell 2013,

      MODE 8 : OFF
      DIM l%(0), b%(0), n%(0), f%(0), s%(0), m%(0), t%(0), y(0), p(0), r(0), X(0), Y(0), Z(0), e(2), a(2)

      INSTALL @lib$+"D3DLIB"

      ON CLOSE PROCcleanup:QUIT

      d% = FN_initd3d(@hwnd%, 1, 1)
      IF d% = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't initialise Direct3D"

      file% = OPENOUT(@tmp$+"SPHERE.B3D")
      PROC4(file%, 6144) : REM vertex count
      PROC4(file%, &00240152) : REM vertex format and size
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%,  1,  0,  0,   0,  0,  1,   0,  1,  0)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%,  0,  1,  0,   0,  0,  1,  -1,  0,  0)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%, -1,  0,  0,   0,  0,  1,   0, -1,  0)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%,  0, -1,  0,   0,  0,  1,   1,  0,  0)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%,  1,  0,  0,   0,  1,  0,   0,  0, -1)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%,  0,  1,  0,  -1,  0,  0,   0,  0, -1)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%, -1,  0,  0,   0, -1,  0,   0,  0, -1)
      PROCtriangulate(5, file%,  0, -1,  0,   1,  0,  0,   0,  0, -1)
      CLOSE #file%

      b%(0) = FN_load3d(d%, @tmp$+"SPHERE.B3D", n%(0), f%(0), s%(0))
      IF b%(0) = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't load SPHERE.B3D"

      t%(0) = FN_loadtexture(d%, @dir$+"WORLD.JPG")
      IF t%(0) = 0 ERROR 100, "Can't load WORLD.JPG"

      DIM D3Dlight8{Type%, Diffuse{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Specular{r%,g%,b%,a%}, \
      \ Ambient{r%,g%,b%,a%}, Position{x%,y%,z%}, Direction{x%,y%,z%}, \
      \ Range%, Falloff%, Attenuation0%, Attenuation1%, Attenuation2%, \
      \ Theta%, Phi% }
      D3Dlight8.Type% = 1 : REM point source
      D3Dlight8.Diffuse.r% = FN_f4(1)
      D3Dlight8.Diffuse.g% = FN_f4(1)
      D3Dlight8.Diffuse.b% = FN_f4(1)
      D3Dlight8.Position.x% = FN_f4(-20)
      D3Dlight8.Position.z% = FN_f4(-20)
      D3Dlight8.Range% = FN_f4(200)
      D3Dlight8.Attenuation0% = FN_f4(0.2)
      l%(0) = D3Dlight8{}

      e() = 0, 0, -9
      a() = 0, 0, 0
        y() = -TIME/200
        r() = -0.4 * COS(y(0))
        p() = 0.4 * SIN(y(0))
        PROC_render(d%, &00000030, 1, l%(), 1, m%(), t%(), b%(), n%(), f%(), s%(), y(), p(), r(), X(), Y(), Z(), e(), a(), 0.4, 5/4, 1, 1000)
      UNTIL INKEY(1)=0

      DEF PROCcleanup
      b%(0) += 0:IF b%(0) PROC_release(b%(0))
      d% += 0   :IF d%    PROC_release(d%)

      DEF PROCtriangulate(L%, F%, x0, y0, z0, x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2)
      L% -= 1
      IF L% THEN
        LOCAL a(), b(), c() : DIM a(2), b(2), c(2)
        a(0) = x0 + x2 : a(1) = y0 + y2 : a(2) = z0 + z2 : a() /= MOD(a())
        b(0) = x0 + x1 : b(1) = y0 + y1 : b(2) = z0 + z1 : b() /= MOD(b())
        c(0) = x1 + x2 : c(1) = y1 + y2 : c(2) = z1 + z2 : c() /= MOD(c())
        PROCtriangulate(L%, F%, x0, y0, z0, b(0), b(1), b(2), a(0), a(1), a(2))
        PROCtriangulate(L%, F%, b(0), b(1), b(2), x1, y1, z1, c(0), c(1), c(2))
        PROCtriangulate(L%, F%, a(0), a(1), a(2), b(0), b(1), b(2), c(0), c(1), c(2))
        PROCtriangulate(L%, F%, a(0), a(1), a(2), c(0), c(1), c(2), x2, y2, z2)
        LOCAL u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2
        PROCvertex(x0, y0, z0, u0, v0)
        PROCvertex(x1, y1, z1, u1, v1)
        PROCvertex(x2, y2, z2, u2, v2)
        IF (u1 - u0) > 0.5 u0 += 1.0
        IF (u0 - u1) > 0.5 u1 += 1.0
        IF (u2 - u1) > 0.5 u1 += 1.0
        IF (u1 - u2) > 0.5 u2 += 1.0
        IF (u0 - u2) > 0.5 u2 += 1.0
        IF (u2 - u0) > 0.5 u0 += 1.0
        PROC4(F%, FN_f4(-x0)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(z0)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(y0))
        PROC4(F%, FN_f4(-x0)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(z0)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(y0))
        PROC4(F%, &FFFFFF)    : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(u0)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(v0))
        PROC4(F%, FN_f4(-x1)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(z1)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(y1))
        PROC4(F%, FN_f4(-x1)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(z1)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(y1))
        PROC4(F%, &FFFFFF)    : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(u1)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(v1))
        PROC4(F%, FN_f4(-x2)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(z2)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(y2))
        PROC4(F%, FN_f4(-x2)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(z2)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(y2))
        PROC4(F%, &FFFFFF)    : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(u2)) : PROC4(F%, FN_f4(v2))

      DEF PROCvertex(x, y, z, RETURN u, RETURN v)
      u = FNatan2(x, y) / PI / 2 + 0.5
      v = FNatan2(z, SQR(x^2 + y^2)) / PI + 0.5
      IF u < 0 OR v < 0 OR u > 1 OR v > 1 STOP

      DEF FNatan2(y,x) : ON ERROR LOCAL = SGN(y)*PI/2
      IF x>0 THEN = ATN(y/x) ELSE IF y>0 THEN = ATN(y/x)+PI ELSE = ATN(y/x)-PI

      DEF PROC4(F%, A%)
      BPUT#F%,A% : BPUT#F%,A%>>8 : BPUT#F%,A%>>16 : BPUT#F%,A%>>24

« Last Edit: Nov 10th, 2013, 2:50pm by admin » User IP Logged

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