BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Bouquets and Brickbats >> BBC Basic is the BEST!
BBC Basic is the BEST!
Post by PatrickM on Apr 10th, 2017, 12:04pm
I love BBC Basic. It's undoubtedly the best Basic language. If I were the queen, I would give knight status to Sophie Wilson and Richard Russell in recognition of their contributions to british computing. The world is a better place because of BBC Basic.
Re: BBC Basic is the BEST!
Post by michael on May 17th, 2017, 02:24am
Sophie Wilson was awarded a life time achievement award for her works. The documentation is quite extensive concerning her role in the creation of the ARM processor and BBC Basic. Richard does have documentation about his connection to BBC Basic. I just don't see why he is not shown in any of the documentaries or in the mentions with Sophie Wilsons documentation. There were other people involved. Perhaps it would be similar to how recognition is recorded when the Nobel Peace prize is awarded.