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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Today at 07:48am |
Started by DDRM | Post by DDRM |
Hi Folks,
OK, I've locked posting to this forum, to allow us to get a final "snapshot". Thanks to Richard Russell for creating this, and David Williams for agreeing to host it.
A link to this snapshot, as well as one for the old "cross-platform" conforum, will be available from the new forum which Richard has set up here:
The forum will also continue:
and I understand Richard also offers support via his Facebook page, as well as responding to direct emails promptly and with great skill, so I hope the future for BB4W remains bright.
Best wishes,
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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Yesterday at 10:33am |
Started by DDRM | Post by DDRM |
OK, a new discussion forum, which will cover both BB4W and BBC_SDL, has been set up here:
Please can I encourage everyone to sign up and move their conversations over there? I will shortly freeze posting here.
We are looking at making a static snapshot of this forum available as a link from that forum: we'll get that sorted as soon as we can identify somewhere it can be hosted. If anyone can help with that, please would you PM me?
Best wishes,
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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Apr 1st, 2018, 12:00pm |
Started by DDRM | Post by DDRM |
An update: I'm in email conversation with Richard about a possible successor to the conforums support. He is considering providing a similar resource on his own server.
Shortly before this forum shuts down, I will send a global email with links to suitable alternative support sites.
Happy Easter! D
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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Mar 30th, 2018, 03:30am |
Started by DDRM | Post by michael |
I will have a subject screen and buttons to enter each one..
Once in the subject.. you will be able to offer material on your linked forum file.. It then can be viewed by the moderator for adding to the main file. Its a promising new way to communicate and will evolve. I plan to keep it simple.
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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Mar 30th, 2018, 02:47am |
Started by DDRM | Post by kigohhere |
You mean a new official forum for BBC BASIC for Windows? It is a nice idea. 
There are 20 sub-forums in this old forum but some of them are very inactive. Please reduce the total number of sub-forums in the new BBC BASIC for Windows official forum in the future.
Python has a huge number of users in this world and their official forum also doesn't have too many sub-forums. Please learn from how they classified their official forum. Thanks a lot!!!! 
Thanks again!
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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Mar 29th, 2018, 10:27pm |
Started by DDRM | Post by michael |
Using facebook as the group management, I could use One Drive to create a forum using a program I was thinking of modifying my Que Card text program to work like a forum. Of course, it would require some expansion, as at the moment it only carries one board (in theory)
All a person would need to do is save the data file to their One Drive (Microsoft) and provide a link so I can see any changes that a person creates)
With One Drive, if the same text file is used, any changes to that text file will work with the same link. ( I tested it)
Of course the forum would be by invitation and of course they would need BBC Basic For Windows (Trial or Full version) to keep everything working smooth on a One Drive file.
Once all the kinks are worked out, anyone could essentially moderate it with a special moderator program I would provide.
So DDRM, or David Williams or Richard, if you are interested, I would like to do a bit of trials.
I know this will work. And a member can be created on Facebook and can join the cloud group. I have already created the Programming group on Facebook, but didn't expect this to happen. So sad.
Here is a link:
David, I put a link to your site on the Facebook group.
DDRM and David and anyone here is free to join the Programming forum. .
I think it is time to make new paths for BBC Basic.
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General Board
/ Re: Conforums closing down |
on: Mar 29th, 2018, 3:43pm |
Started by DDRM | Post by David Williams |
End of an era (which seems to have come out of the blue). I'm not on Facebook either, and I don't believe I ever will be. If I can (occasionally) monitor posts there without joining then I can at least keep half an eye on developments.
I will be updating my 'BB4W Games' website from time to time (probably to include some BBCSDL stuff), and if I write any new programs likely to be of interest to fellow BB4W/SDL users, then I'll post them there:
David. --
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General Board
/ Conforums closing down |
on: Mar 29th, 2018, 1:08pm |
Started by DDRM | Post by DDRM |
I'm sorry to see that Conforums are closing down, so this forum will go with it.
Given the recent debate about whether this forum should even exist (given Richard's alternative conforum) I don't have any plans to create a replacement, though if anyone else wanted to run a specific BB4W forum I would be interested to monitor it.
Richard has suggested that he will not replace the "cross platform" forum, and will provide his support via Facebook, of which I am not a member, but might provide a suitable alternative forum for others. I'm not sure how he sees the future of the site: presumably that will continue as at present.
I note that Conforums say there is no data export facility. I may attempt to capture some of the key threads, but I can't really see what I can do with them, and I'm not sure how useful that would be without some sort of search functionality.
Does anyone have strong feelings? Otherwise maybe it's time to join the dolphins, and say "so long, and thanks for all the fish!"