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Windows 10
Post by rtr2 on Jul 30th, 2015, 01:51am

Having 'reserved' it some while ago, Windows 10 appeared on my (formerly) Windows 8.1 laptop today with barely a fanfare (it was an amazingly quick install).

As expected, BB4W appears to work fine, although I haven't attempted to perform any extensive tests. One surprise was that running the Discovering the Windows version routine from the Help file gives:

      MajorVersion% = 10
      MinorVersion% = 0
      PlatformID% = 2 

This is not what had previously been advertised (and what the Help file states) but at least indicates that the BB4W manifest is doing its job (without such a manifest Windows 10 'fakes' the version number and pretends to be Windows 8).

If anything else of note arises I will report it here.

Re: Windows 10
Post by dynamic35 on Dec 7th, 2015, 7:36pm

Just a problem related to Windows 10 -noticed today in another team:
The latest Windows 10 update loads a new Silicon Labs USBXpress driver that does not work. Silicon Labs is aware of this and is working with Microsoft to remove it from the Windows update.
Many applications can use two possible USB drivers for the USB. A VCP (Virtual Com Port) version that emulates and uses a Com port number (e.g. Com11) and a USBXpress version that acts as a direct USB connection.

The VCP version is not affected by this problem. If you see a Silicon Labs driver show up in Device Manager under Ports and listed as “CP210x USB to UART Bridge” you are not affected by this problem.

You need to roll back the driver to the prior version. In the Properties window click the Roll Back Driver button. This will cause the USB driver to go back to the previously used USBXpress driver and your application will be able to communicate again. I e. once the driver is rolled back and does not report as v6.7.2.0 your application should work again.

Re: Windows 10
Post by KenDown on Mar 30th, 2016, 7:31pm

Hmmmm. If BB4W was already present on your computer, it should run happily under Win 10. If it was not and you try to install it, it won't - at least, it won't for me.

If anyone has a cure ...?
Re: Windows 10
Post by DDRM on Apr 1st, 2016, 08:18am

Hi KenDown,

Are you sure this is a Windows10 problem, and not a security problem? Upgrading my home machine (Vista) posed a problem: it simply failed to run - no "you need to be an administrator", nothing. When I looked at the properties, I saw at the bottom of the "general" tab a security notice, saying "this file came from another computer and might be blocked to protect this computer". Next to it was a button saying "Unblock". I clicked it, and all was then well...

Hope that solves it...

Re: Windows 10
Post by KenDown on Apr 1st, 2016, 2:18pm

Well, I can try installing it again and see if there is some such warning. Thanks.
Re: Windows 10
Post by michael on Apr 1st, 2016, 2:41pm

Keep in mind if you don't put your information in correctly when you install BBC Basic for Windows, it will install but wont allow you to run it.

You need your name or company name you gave, plus your registration code.
Check your email.
Re: Windows 10
Post by KenDown on Apr 1st, 2016, 4:40pm

Thanks. I hope that goes without saying!