INPUT "Enter your full name: " fullname$ space% = INSTR(fullname$, " ") PRINT "Your forename is "; LEFT$(fullname$, space%-1) PRINT "Your surname is "; MID$(fullname$, space%+1)
IF CODE$="6ECBN98RJ9S" THENAlso, consider what happens if fullname$ is
PRINT "Good evening Captain ";MID$(fullname$,space%+1);"."
PRINT "We are awaiting your transportation Earth."
PRINT "PERMISSION to transport to Earth denied."
" Fred Bloggs "
IF AGE% => 18 THEN PRINT "You are older enough to vote." ELSE PRINT "You are too young to vote." ENDIF
IF AGE% = 18 OR AGE% = 21 THEN PRINT "You are either 18 or 21 years old." ELSE PRINT "I am not sure how old you are." ENDIF