BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Example programmes challenge (from other conforum)

Example programmes challenge (from other conforum)
Post by DDRM on Jan 16th, 2017, 07:46am

Richard has posted an appeal on the cross-platform conforum and the, and asked me to bring it to your attention. He would like to include more examples of games with BB4W/BBCSDL. Here's a link:

And here's the text:

Another area in which the current set of example programs leaves something to be desired is GAMES (probably reflecting my own relative lack of interest in that genre). Only four are supplied: ANIMAL, HANOI, RHEOLISM and SUDOKU - and HANOI isn't really a game it its current form.

So I would be very interested in supplementing this set with some more games, so long as they satisfy the criteria for example programs as outlined previously. That is, they should:

Be interesting and/or attractive; games are often judged by their appearance.

Run in the trial version of BB4W (32K memory limit + 16K for libraries).

Run in both BB4W and BBCSDL (so either not using any API functions, or ones that have an equivalent in both).

Be usable with a small touch screen, such as may be found on an Android phone or tablet.

That last point is particularly important, because I would want to include any new example programs with all editions of BBCSDL.

If anybody has, or fancies writing, a program that they think might be suitable please reply to this thread.

Re: Example programmes challenge (from other confo
Post by David Williams on Jan 16th, 2017, 4:01pm

It's something that would interest me, although at the moment (and probably for the next 3 months) I'm tied up with a gaming project for the Raspberry Pi (even though most of the development is being done with BB4W v6).

For me, one thing is essential vis-à-vis BBCSDL, and that's a cross-platform alternative to the Windows GlobalAlloc API function (or similar). I would like to be able to reserve large chunks of system memory (potentially several megabytes) far beyond that available via BASIC's DIM command under the Trial version of BB4W. I've had a quick glance at the SDL2 documentation, and I don't see anything on offer in this regard.

Also, a means of optionally suppressing the 'automatic' scanning of a bitmap's alpha channel (by SDL) - when a bitmap's rendered via *MDISPLAY - would be useful, if it's possible.

Incidentally, I'm not interested in games either. I hardly ever play them, although I do sometimes make a game for no other reason than to pass the time.

Re: Example programmes challenge (from other confo
Post by michael on Jan 17th, 2017, 04:24am

I could offer My latest game: Volatile Vases

I could touch it up and make it more fun and have automatic gathers and have more vases drop in empty zones and have collapse zone ability