BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Sound, Music and Video >> Examples\SPEAK.BBC PROC_cominit missing

Examples\SPEAK.BBC PROC_cominit missing
Post by Leslie Baker on Apr 29th, 2012, 7:23pm

Dear friends, I tried to run the SPEAK.BBC program, but discovered that the DEF PROC_cominit proc is missing. Can anyone tell me what it includes so that I can add it, and hear BBC4W speech?? ... Many thanks ... Leslie

Re: Examples\SPEAK.BBC PROC_cominit missing
Post by admin on Apr 29th, 2012, 8:50pm

on Apr 29th, 2012, 7:23pm, Guest-Leslie Baker wrote:
Dear friends, I tried to run the SPEAK.BBC program, but discovered that the DEF PROC_cominit proc is missing.

PROC_cominit definitely isn't 'missing', unless somehow you've managed to delete or corrupt the COMLIBA library which contains it. What actually happens when you run SPEAK.BBC - do you receive an error message?

Can anyone tell me what it includes

You can find a description of PROC_cominit in the main Help documentation under 'Library Routines... COM automation', or you can read it online here:

You can view the code by loading COMLIB.BBC from your LIB folder, but as with many of the libraries it's not likely to be very informative!
