BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Announcements >> BBC Basic for Windows version 6.10a released
BBC Basic for Windows version 6.10a released
Post by DDRM on Apr 6th, 2017, 1:00pm
Richard has posted on the cross-platform conforum that a new update of BB4W has been released:
You can download the update at the usual place:
In addition to some bug fixes, there are some new libraries (more for D3D, and the HQSOUND library is now included as standard), and some more example files.
Two nice additions are that
1) *DISPLAY and *MDISPLAY can now accept an additional parameter specifying a transparent colour, so BMPs can now be used to show irregular shapes (a bit like sprites).
2) There is now a WIDTH(string$) command that will return the width of a string in BB4W graphics units, which could be useful in formatting output.
Best wishes,