BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Operating System >> Setting Windows tick

Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Oct 31st, 2012, 11:24am

BBC Basic's Help system describes how to use SYS "GetTickCount" to obtain the number of milliseconds since Windows was started. Is it possible to set this value to an arbitrary value or even zero? My aim is to combine the SYS command with external GPS clock data to obtain millisecond real-time resolution within a BBC Basic program.
Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by admin on Oct 31st, 2012, 12:56pm

on Oct 31st, 2012, 11:24am, manxman wrote:
Is it possible to set this value to an arbitrary value or even zero?

No, there's no 'SetTickCount' or equivalent API function. You would have to set a variable equal to the current value and subtract it from subsequent values to achieve a similar effect. Also, bear in mind that the value returned from GetTickCount, whilst guaranteed to be monotonic, is only approximate. Here are a few consecutive values returned on my PC:


SYS "timeGetTime" may be more reliable in this respect:

      SYS "timeBeginPeriod", 1
      FOR I% = 1 TO 10
          O% = C%
          SYS "timeGetTime" TO C%
        UNTIL C% <> O%
        PRINT C%

My aim is to combine the SYS command with external GPS clock data to obtain millisecond real-time resolution within a BBC Basic program.

Remember that Windows is not a Real-Time Operating System. It doesn't matter what software tricks you employ, you can never achieve (reliable) millisecond resolution in a program running under Windows.

Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Oct 31st, 2012, 5:41pm

laugh Richard,

Thanks for your speedy reply and the tip for an alternative Windows function. I did think about subtracting an offset, as you suggest, but thought there might be a better way. My requirement is to precisely time each reading in a stream of data sent at 20/s from a geophysical instrument.

What I plan to do now is to use a GPS module and a commercial utility (NMEA Time) to periodically reset the PC clock, which will still have a jitter due to latency in the OS and small steps each time there is a clock reset. These effects will be smoothed out by applying piecewise interpolation to successive segments of, say 1 hour, to give monotonic smooth times for my data stream. I guess this the best that can be done!
Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by admin on Oct 31st, 2012, 10:49pm

on Oct 31st, 2012, 5:41pm, manxman wrote:
My requirement is to precisely time each reading in a stream of data sent at 20/s from a geophysical instrument.

Define "precisely"! As I said before, Windows is not a Real Time OS, and millisecond timing accuracy is impossible. Threads and processes are scheduled to a CPU core on a time-sharing basis, and each timeslice will occupy at least several milliseconds, possibly tens of milliseconds. So you must make allowances for your program to 'freeze' for that sort of period.

For your kind of application it is normal for the data to be received in a dedicated piece of equipment which attaches precise time-stamps, before passing the data with its time-stamps onto the PC for processing. That way it doesn't matter that the software is not real-time.

If a resolution in the order of 20 milliseconds is acceptable then you may be able to get away with a purely software solution (on a statistical basis - it cannot be guaranteed). In that case you may be able to use timeGetTime with a correction to make it agree with 'clock time' (e.g. from GPS or an internet time server).

Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Nov 4th, 2012, 7:20pm


Thanks for your comments. To avoid composing a very long start to this thread I avoided describing all my thoughts for a 'precise' timing solution, but to tidy things up, here is a more thorough exposition:

There will be six instruments distributed in an array spaced apart 10 - 20km, each logging on a single PC. To be more precise (!) each item in the instruments' data stream needs to be timestamped, either to some arbitrary common time or UTC, to an accuracy of 20mS across the array. Note that each instrument's data stream is only approximately 20Hz, being maintained by a stock quartz crystal. As you say, the PC clock is a very poor standard on which to base 'precise' timing of external events, so there are several solutions to this problem:

1 Have each instrument timestamp the data independently of the PC, e.g. by an integrated GPS, MSF or DCF clock module. This solution avoids the jitter, drift and latency inherent in the PC clock but involves more hardware design for me. Another problem is that radio atomic clock transmitters are sometimes switched off for maintenance.

2 Use a GPS or radio module, combined with a program such as NMEA TIME or TARDIS to continuously correct the PC clock to follow UTC. My logging program will assign timestamps using this 'corrected' PC clock which will have small correction steps due to this process. These would be smoothed with another custom program that corrects the timestamps.

3 Build and integrate a 50Hz mains frequency clock for each instrument. Once all are synchronised on the same cycle, they will keep lock to within 20mS. Exact synchronisation within the array is more important than the actual times being exact UTC. Synchronisation can be achieved by incorporating an TCXO or OCXO in each clock unit, designed to start the 50Hz clocks at the same time after leaving the lab.

Solution 3 is very attractive since each instrument does not need clear RF reception: each would be powered from the mains, which provides the secure timebase. I'll start by experimenting with option 2 though and see how things progress.

Sorry for the imprecise delay in my reply!


Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Nov 8th, 2012, 8:19pm


Referring to your reply, thank you for pointing me to a more effective Windows call which does indeed resolve 1mS. However, I am curious to know what is the purpose of the call at the start of your sample code:

SYS "timeBeginPeriod", 1

Removing this line has no effect on the result, nor does changing the parameter from 1 to 2, 3, 4, etc.



Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by admin on Nov 8th, 2012, 9:28pm

on Nov 8th, 2012, 8:19pm, manxman wrote:
Removing this line has no effect on the result, nor does changing the parameter from 1 to 2, 3, 4, etc.

Ah, you need to learn a very important lesson: not all Windows PCs are the same! On my PC (a perfectly ordinary Dell desktop) calling timeBeginPeriod makes a dramatic difference: without it the resolution of timeGetTime is worse than 15ms (the value changes at 64 Hz, the same as GetTickCount). Having called timeBeginPeriod the resolution improves to 1 ms (1000 Hz).

You cannot determine the validity of software by testing alone (not that testing is unimportant of course, but it is not sufficient). You must always abide by what Microsoft state on MSDN which in this case is the following: "The default precision of the timeGetTime function can be five milliseconds or more, depending on the machine. You can use the timeBeginPeriod and timeEndPeriod functions to increase the precision of timeGetTime":

I expect that on your PC some other application, which happens to have been loaded and run before BBC BASIC, has already set the resolution of the timer. But you certainly can't rely on that being the case on a different PC, or even on the same PC if its configuration changes.


Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Nov 8th, 2012, 9:38pm


Thanks for that detailed explanation. Now all is clear!


Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Nov 20th, 2012, 4:52pm


At the risk of becoming a bore, may I ask whether the centiseconds value returned by BBC4W's TIME (after setting to zero) also rolls over in 49 days in the same way as the value returned from SYS "timeGetTime"?


Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by admin on Nov 20th, 2012, 6:05pm

on Nov 20th, 2012, 4:52pm, manxman wrote:
may I ask whether the centiseconds value returned by BBC4W's TIME (after setting to zero) also rolls over in 49 days

It doesn't if BB4W is running continuously for that time (and assuming you access TIME periodically). In those circumstances you get a true 32-bit count of centiseconds, which will therefore run for about 248 days before overflowing to a negative number (or 496 days before it rolls over fully).

But if you have to restart the PC, or even restart BB4W, (which is pretty likely in a period of 49 days!) then the internal offset gets reset and you lose that extended roll-over capability. You could attempt to work around that limitation by periodically saving the offset to a disk file and then re-loading it when BB4W is restarted, but then the 496-day roll-over would need to be taken account of (and you would still have a problem if the PC was restarted of course).

If you want to experiment with that approach, the offset is stored at !544 (ironically the very next memory location after those documented on the Wiki; I should perhaps add it to the list). Whatever is stored in that location gets added to the returned value of TIME (you can try it yourself).

Re: Setting Windows tick
Post by manxman on Nov 28th, 2012, 5:15pm

Thank you for another comprehensive reply.

Perhaps I will sit by my PC for 248 days simply to check what you say!


Manxman grin