BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> Announcements >> BBC BASIC for Windows version 5.80a released

BBC BASIC for Windows version 5.80a released
Post by admin on Aug 14th, 2008, 3:19pm

I'm pleased to announce the release of BBC BASIC for Windows version
5.80a. This is a maintenance release to fix a few minor anomalies,
but at the same time I've added some extra features, principally to
aid conversion from other dialects of BASIC such as QBASIC:

1. You can force floating-point numeric constants to be converted
to 64-bit doubles, even when in *FLOAT40 mode, by adding a hash
suffix, for example 1.23# or PI#.

2. Support for console-mode programs is improved, using *INPUT 13
and *OUTPUT 14 (these act like *INPUT 1 and *OUTPUT 2, except
that 'overlapped' I/O is disabled). In particular this allows
console mode executables to run under Win9x.

3. *OUTPUT 15 redirects output to the printer, making it easier to
emulate LPRINT than by means of VDU codes.

4. VDU 23,16... (cursor movement control) is implemented, in
particular providing support for QBASIC's 'pending CRLF' mode and
enabling right-to-left or top-to-bottom printing.

5. High-numbered input/output devices (e.g. COM10smiley are now
supported without needing to use the Windows API.

6. VDU 23,10,18... controls the text cursor (caret) width, as an
alternative to using @vdu%!252.

7. VDU 23,23... controls the line thickness, as an alternative to
using @vdu%!248

8. An extension of the THEN keyword (intended mainly for use by
automatic translators) allows the ELSEIF keyword available in some
BASIC dialects to be more easily emulated.

To upgrade your copy of BBC BASIC for Windows to version 5.80a
download and install UPGRADE.EXE from here:
