BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Communication and Input/Output >> Serial Port and ESC code Serial Port and ESC code
Post by tuk091 on Jun 26th, 2012, 8:40pm
Hi All, I am writing a control programme which uses Relays controled via a serial port. Unfortunately i am struggling to get the ESC code sent to the port. I am using a simple piece of code k$=CHR$(27) BPUTS#1,k$
Unfortuately when i use the esc code it does not seen to sent it to the port. If i change it to another character it works fine.
I know the basic RS232 port works as i have tested with test programme.
So i was just wondering if there was anything special i need to know to send an ESC code to the port.
Many thanks for any help in advance.
Re: Serial Port and ESC code
Post by admin on Jun 26th, 2012, 9:24pm
I am using a simple piece of code k$=CHR$(27) BPUTS#1,k$
That code will send two characters: an ESC (CHR$27) followed by a Line Feed (CHR$10). To send just a single ESC character you can use a numeric variable rather than a string:
which you can simplify as follows:
BPUT #1,27
or you can add a semicolon to your code to suppress the LF:
Re: Serial Port and ESC code
Post by tuk091 on Jun 26th, 2012, 10:03pm
Richard, Many thanks i give that a try.
viv Re: Serial Port and ESC code
Post by tuk091 on Jun 27th, 2012, 05:32am
Hi Richard It fixed issue . Many thanks
Viv Re: Serial Port and ESC code
Post by Designer on Jul 3rd, 2012, 12:12pm
Just starting out on BBC BASIC. Can you please share the test program code for sending and receiving a couple of bytes of data.
Re: Serial Port and ESC code
Post by admin on Jul 3rd, 2012, 9:09pm
This code waits for the data to arrive. If you need to be doing something else whilst waiting, you can monitor how many bytes have arrived using EXT#port% and only read them when they're ready.
Re: Serial Port and ESC code
Post by Designer on Jul 5th, 2012, 07:09am