BBC BASIC for Windows
General >> General Board >> Using Dialogue Box Creator Using Dialogue Box Creator
Post by JayCee on Jun 22nd, 2015, 3:14pm
I have returned to BBC4W after a very long time and am starting a new program.
When using the Dialogue Box Creator can you tell me how to renumber the various boxes so that tab goes through in the order you want it to.
Alternatively is their a manual for this program?
Re: Using Dialogue Box Creator
Post by rtr2 on Jun 22nd, 2015, 5:53pm
can you tell me how to renumber the various boxes so that tab goes through in the order you want it to.
So long as the controls that you want to be included in the tab sequence have the WS_TABSTOP style, I think you just have to edit the order of their declarations as required (using cut/paste or drag/drop as you prefer). I'm pretty sure that the tab order depends only on the sequence of declarations, not on the allocated ID numbers.