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Programming >> User Interface >> Date picker problem
Date picker problem
Post by KenDown on Mar 31st, 2016, 7:00pm
I'm sure I've asked this question before, but I can't find it, so please excuse if you get a sense of deja vu.
I am using the time and date picker in a dialog box to input the date. There is no need for the rather complicated method the Wiki recommends to read the selected date, a simple SYS"GetDlgItemText" does just fine.
The problem comes when I want to restore the contents of the dialog box from file. SYS"SetDltItemText" doesn't do it and the Wiki doesn't offer any help. The edit box stubbornly displays today's date instead of the date I want to set.
So, for example, when I first used the dialog box I set the date to 10/01/2015 and that is the date that has been written out to file. When I want to edit that data all the other bits are read successfully from the file, but the date displays 31/03/2016, which is today's date, instead of 10/01/2016.
Any ideas, please?
Re: Date picker problem
Post by DDRM on Apr 1st, 2016, 08:09am
Hi KenDown,
Have you tried using
SYS "SendMessage", hdtp%, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, 0, systemtime{}
That is what MSDN says, and it works for me. You will need to create the systemtime{} structure, which is the one in the Wiki for the "complicated" method of reading the data, and you'll need to set the relevant sections of it to the date required. hdtp% is the value returned by FN_createwindow, as in the wiki, and DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME can be found using the "Add Windows Constants" utility: it appears to have the value 4098.
If you are reading it in and then restoring it, does it make sense to use the complicated method when reading it, and then just store the whole structure?
Best wishes,
Re: Date picker problem
Post by KenDown on Apr 1st, 2016, 2:17pm
No, I haven't tried that. I searched on the internet and found that it *is* possible to set the date, but I couldn't make head nor tail of the code used - I couldn't even work out whether it was C or VisualBasic or what!
So thank you very much. I'll investigate.
I don't think it would make sense to start off with the complicated structure as I need the date in ascii format for other purposes, so I'll just read the xx/xx/xxxx in from file and then convert it.
Re: Date picker problem
Post by KenDown on Apr 1st, 2016, 4:22pm
You quote
SYS "SendMessage", hdtp%, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, 0, systemtime{}
Should that not be
SYS "SendMessage", !hdtp%, DTM_SETSYSTEMTIME, 0, systemtime{}
Also, should there not be a reference to the dialog item which contains the date picker? I have three date pickers on that one dialog box, so there has to be a way of distinguishing between them.
Sorry to be a pain.
Re: Date picker problem
Post by KenDown on Apr 1st, 2016, 4:31pm
Ha! Sorted. The correct version (for me) is
grpdlg% is the handle of the dialog box.
512 is the dialog item which holds the date pick thingy.
Many thanks for pointing me in the right direction.
Re: Date picker problem
Post by KenDown on Apr 1st, 2016, 4:39pm
For anyone else who has the same problem:
date$ is a string of the form dd/mm/yyyy
dg% is the handle of the dialog box
ic% is the handle of the dialog item
systemtime{} is set up as in the Wiki article.
Re: Date picker problem
Post by DDRM on Apr 1st, 2016, 10:02pm
Hi Kendall,
Sorry, should have been clearer: my response related to the version on the wiki using Winlib5 to put it in the main window (for a quick test I didn't want to set up a whole dialogue box). Glad you have sorted out the version for a DB.