BBC BASIC for Windows
Programming >> Graphics and Games >> Huge canvas, possible?
Huge canvas, possible?
Post by afarlie on Mar 2nd, 2013, 9:36pm
I recently startedusing BB4W again, and was undertaking an experiment concerning
The limits in the program as supplied are those of a user defined mode, namely when I tried to darw to something that was 2000 by 2000 , nothing was drawn to the bottom and right of the VDU drivers output.
However, I a suspecting that this is because that is the limitation of the default screen bitmap created by the program.
So my question is, Is it possible to create a HUGE canvas?
(By utilising the techniques suggested in the articles on direct screen access and pallete anim) to create a really big canvads that can be written to by the VDU drivers?
(I'm asking here, because it's a question of a more technical nature)
Re: Huge canvas, possible?
Post by DDRM on Mar 4th, 2013, 3:08pm
Hi Alex,
Have you looked at Prochugewindow in the manual under "Using windows larger than 1920 x 1440 pixels"? That would probably allow you to do what you want. Note the restriction on *text* viewports.
There's been discussion on this kind of thing several times on the Yahoo site.
Best wishes,